

  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Seeing the benefits of 30 day Shred at only the 4th day..

    Today was L1D4 of the Shred for me. I did the dvd this morning and the treadmill for 20 minutes tonight(same as last night)...before the Shred, I had mainly just walked/run on the treadmill for 30 minutes..(I started this in mid Jan...I did take off a week due to an injury..) Anyhow, before the treadmill would make me sweat..tonight, I barely broke a sweat..the only reason I got off at 20 minutes was because I had to start making dinner for the family.

    I am very impressed so far..on to day 5!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Seeing the benefits of 30 day Shred at only the 4th day..

    Today was L1D4 of the Shred for me. I did the dvd this morning and the treadmill for 20 minutes tonight(same as last night)...before the Shred, I had mainly just walked/run on the treadmill for 30 minutes..(I started this in mid Jan...I did take off a week due to an injury..) Anyhow, before the treadmill would make me sweat..tonight, I barely broke a sweat..the only reason I got off at 20 minutes was because I had to start making dinner for the family.

    I am very impressed so far..on to day 5!

    So AWESOME!!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Don't feel bad, LessofLeeAnna! I had to skip today too. Namely because we received 6 inches of snow here in central Texas. Basically the world ended and the town was shut down because no one knows what to do when attacked by white stuff. It came at a perfect time because my TOM was bogging me down like no other today!

    I'll get back on track tomorrow and you will too! After all, those 3 lbs of water weight I'm carrying around my saddle bags won't get rid of themselves :bigsmile:

    Where in central texas are you? My uncle is stationed in Killeen. Him and my aunt told me they got snow and how funny it is how people act there when they get snow. How everything closes over just a little bit and how different it is here. When we had a lot of snow here I sent her some pictures to show the people she worked with. They couldn't believe it
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Seeing the benefits of 30 day Shred at only the 4th day..

    Today was L1D4 of the Shred for me. I did the dvd this morning and the treadmill for 20 minutes tonight(same as last night)...before the Shred, I had mainly just walked/run on the treadmill for 30 minutes..(I started this in mid Jan...I did take off a week due to an injury..) Anyhow, before the treadmill would make me sweat..tonight, I barely broke a sweat..the only reason I got off at 20 minutes was because I had to start making dinner for the family.

    I am very impressed so far..on to day 5!

    Wow that's great! I don't know if I can say it's from the Shred or not, but today I had a lot of energy. I did a little over an hour on wii fit plus, doing boxing & step. Then I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes of Biggest Loser 30 day jumpstart abs. I was going to keep working out too, but realized it was getting late and I still needed to take a shower, close my diary out, and get ready for bed! I burned over 700 calories today!
  • Jerzeebabie04

    I have a Polar F4....I absolutely LOVE it! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Not much different than the F6 so I didnt see the point on spending the extra money!

    Where can I get one of those at?
  • apatrick23
    L1D2 done! True I am sore but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. My arms near my armpits are really sore (due to the chest flys I'm sure) and my thighs as well. This is the only exercising I'm doing except for my job which is serving so I'm on my feet all day. Do you guys think I need to be doing more?
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    L1D2 done! True I am sore but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. My arms near my armpits are really sore (due to the chest flys I'm sure) and my thighs as well. This is the only exercising I'm doing except for my job which is serving so I'm on my feet all day. Do you guys think I need to be doing more?

    I'm also doing 25 minutes of Yoga to help with my strength and balance. Sometimes I'll hop on the ole stationary bike for some extra cardio (but this is pretty rare because I'm usually pretty wipped after shredding).
  • Ashia1317
    Has anyone seen the Push Ups get any easier through out the course of this? I hate those strength moves the most!!!!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Has anyone seen the Push Ups get any easier through out the course of this? I hate those strength moves the most!!!!

    Believe me I'm TERRIBLE at pushups. Surprisingly the first day I wasn't too bad at them, then yesterday I got 12 done the first time around and then only 10 the second time around, and that's doing them the girly way. I'm hoping they get easier though!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    For anyone who hates those bicycle crunches as much as me... when doing the Biggest Loser abs last night I found something similar that still works really well. So now when those bicycle crunches get too bad and I can't do them anymore, instead of taking a break I'm going to do what they did on the Biggest loser abs. You just use your elbows to prop you up, and keep moving your legs like your on a bike. I felt it right in my abs, of course I'm sure the bicycle ones are better to feel it more in the side, but they still worked for me :)
  • Jerzeebabie04
    L1D2 done! True I am sore but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. My arms near my armpits are really sore (due to the chest flys I'm sure) and my thighs as well. This is the only exercising I'm doing except for my job which is serving so I'm on my feet all day. Do you guys think I need to be doing more?

    Well if you are on your feet all day, that really depends on you and how you feel after the workout. I'm sure some days you won't have much energy and other times you may have a lot more. Maybe on the days you are off you could go for a walk or add some more cardio. The only reason I add more cardio is because I work desk jobs and to me 30 day shred cardio is not enough, plus it's a combination of strength and cardio. I heard that Jillians Banish Fat Boost Metabolism video is a lot of really tough cardio, but I'll find out when it comes in the mail today or tomorrow!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Has anyone seen the Push Ups get any easier through out the course of this? I hate those strength moves the most!!!!

    Believe me I'm TERRIBLE at pushups. Surprisingly the first day I wasn't too bad at them, then yesterday I got 12 done the first time around and then only 10 the second time around, and that's doing them the girly way. I'm hoping they get easier though!

    Gosh.....I sure hope they get easier! I'm on day 15 and can barely (some days I can't) make it through the sissy push-ups:ohwell:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hi everyone....i just started L1 yesterday and just finished D2.....i am really feeling the "burn" or "strain" down by my fat gut so I hope that's a good sign LOL

    my knees are really killing me though....the ones that you do when you have to bend ur knees is killer.....i end up having to stop part way through just to shake it out...i am convinced that Jillian is out to kill me LOL

    I also started today the couch to 5k....that had me running for 60 seconds for 8 intervals and by the time i got home after half an hr i was ready to drop LOL...BUT I am determined to lose my gut so I am gonna have to get use to it. i'm sure after a couple of days of doing these 2 workouts, it will get easier, but I am SOOOOOO overweight that i think it might take me longer....i am not so concerned with losing the weight as much as I am with losing these inches and getting rid of my lower belly....but continuing to lose the weight will be nice too

    Also, Level 1 is just over 27 mins so I log 27 mins and it comes out to 388 cals burned?? does that really seem right??

    I dont count the warm up and cool down so when I use 22 minutes of actual excercising it comes to 291 calories, which is what m HRM reads. Everybody is different but I have never heard of this workout going this high...its usually between 240-300. Hope this helps!

    Ok we all workout differently. When I was doing level 1 I started it at the warm up which gives me 27Mins in total. The highest I ever burnt in Level 1 was 271 Level 2 I log it the same start of warm up 27 mins my highest in that is 291 calories burnt. So 388 calories is a lot, you'd have to be following Nathalie & doing the moves faster then her to get that high!!!

    Normally, 1min=10calories burnt!!!!
    I have the Polar F6 & LOVE IT!!!! It was the best investment I made since my journey began!!! I wish you luck!!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Seeing the benefits of 30 day Shred at only the 4th day..

    Today was L1D4 of the Shred for me. I did the dvd this morning and the treadmill for 20 minutes tonight(same as last night)...before the Shred, I had mainly just walked/run on the treadmill for 30 minutes..(I started this in mid Jan...I did take off a week due to an injury..) Anyhow, before the treadmill would make me sweat..tonight, I barely broke a sweat..the only reason I got off at 20 minutes was because I had to start making dinner for the family.

    I am very impressed so far..on to day 5!

    Karen, you should see my results from Level can click on my blog link in my signature. I couldn't believe what eating right & doing this workout could lead to!!! I love this workout!!! You keep working it out!!!! Good Luck!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member

    I have a Polar F4....I absolutely LOVE it! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Not much different than the F6 so I didnt see the point on spending the extra money!

    Where can I get one of those at?

    Go they have them all there & all different prices!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm skipping this workout today for 3 reasons. 1) I'M SORE!! :) 2) i am volunteering at the boys' school today and will likely just want to fall into a coma after i'm done, and 3) i'm doing a liquid fast for lent today so i won't have any extra calories. i hope everyone else has a fabulous workout! (and i'll see you tomorrow.)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Has anyone seen the Push Ups get any easier through out the course of this? I hate those strength moves the most!!!!

    Believe me I'm TERRIBLE at pushups. Surprisingly the first day I wasn't too bad at them, then yesterday I got 12 done the first time around and then only 10 the second time around, and that's doing them the girly way. I'm hoping they get easier though!

    They seem to get easier for me...but I still cant do all of them...and Im doing them the girly way! But IT IS GETTING EASIER!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    I am on L2D19, I am going to do my 10Min Trainer Yoga as well and later on I am going to try & ride the Spin Bike for 30mins. I really had a bad day yesterday & need to redeem myself. I did eat smart & did burn 456 calories but, I just didn't feel like I did all that great. I am hoping for some great #'s! Friday, I will be moving on to Level 3, which means, new measurements & how much I lost during Level 2. I will keep you all posted.

    Have a great 1 Ya'll!!!!
  • dina0521
    dina0521 Posts: 9 Member
    Hope it's not too late for me to join - I just started the Shred last night - totally kicked my butt!! I could barely move this morning!! I feel like a truck hit me! Here's to day L1D2!! :drinker:
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    Has anyone seen the Push Ups get any easier through out the course of this? I hate those strength moves the most!!!!

    Believe me I'm TERRIBLE at pushups. Surprisingly the first day I wasn't too bad at them, then yesterday I got 12 done the first time around and then only 10 the second time around, and that's doing them the girly way. I'm hoping they get easier though!

    They seem to get easier for me...but I still cant do all of them...and Im doing them the girly way! But IT IS GETTING EASIER!!!

    Seriously I think they are getting harder, the more sore I am..... LOL I can do 10 regular and the rest on the knees!!!!!!!! :)