

  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    L1D3 in the Bag! WOHOOOOO!!!

    Didn't get to do another workout with it! But will get it in tomorrow!!

    Are you guys planning on doing the Shred 30 days straight??

    That's the plan....though I have NOT written that in stone! :noway:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Oh Karma, I finished the Shred... no worries! You'll never see me stop, I just mentally decided to not do the second one after the first! :glasses:

    Hey all I can ask for is 1 a day!! I am soooooo proud of you!!! GREAT JOB!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hey team shred! Was going to skip day 3 due to toe injury but said, "what the hell" and put on the Shox anyway. Glad I did because I was able to burned through it! ROCK ON!!!!! Bout to hit the shower and see y'all in the a.m.

    YAY!!! Now that's dedication!!!!!!! Thanks for inspiring!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Just finished L1D3.. Legs and arms are screaming at me... at least I survived!!!! I also noticed I crave sweets much less on the days I do the shred.. Perhaps this exercise thing IS worth continuing. hehehehe. :)

    Perhaps it is.... (hehehe)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member

    I have seen screaming muscles, throbbing toes, unhappy legs...and still we PUSH FORWARD!!!!

    30 days is now down to 27!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

  • mrsgiffin
    Hey y'all! I really didn't want to do the shred tonight but I did it! Thanks to a fellow shredder!! I def could not, not do it since you commented. But hey we all need it sometimes! I really just wish I had a HRM to calculate how many calories I burn. They have a calorie calculator on that gives you an estimate. It says I am burning about 171 calories for a 20 min hard core video. I am sweating my butt off. I feel like it is got to be more but I would rather be under on my count than over. I just hope my body is not going into starvation mode since my daily goal is 1230.

    Also, I am going out of town this weekend to my husbands familly's hunting land. I took the day off of work on friday so I know I will have plenty of time before we leave to get a cardio workout in and the shred. But saturday will be a different story. I mean there is a tv there but we are going for my husbands birthday and we are bringing a big group of friends with us. However, there is plenty of running room around the camp. I also bought a pedometer that measures calories burned today. So I plan on going running and getting in atleast 500 calories. That being said, I guess I may nominate saturday as my one day of rest from the shred. We will see if that continues on through the next week but atleast this satuday will be that way! good luck to everyone this week and lets push through jillians shred and lose some inches!!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Completed D2 L1 just worried about today idk if I'll be able to squeeze in the workout today. :( I have class until 9pm.

    I have to leave for work at 7:15 am (in shower by 6:20 am or so), and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm at school until 10:10 pm and home by 10:40 pm. On Wednesdays I have bible study until about 9 pm or so. I wake up at 5:45 am so I can get my workout in and then get ready for work because I know I won't have time in the evening for it. I've never worked out in the morning, but I am really motivated to do this! I love how it makes me feel, it's a great start to my morning. My point is, if you're really motivated to do something, you'll make the time. Best of luck to you! :D

    That's a good point! I definitely have been making time to workout! Like today I woke up late so I didn't get to do my morning workout (which I love working out in the morning because it gives me energy) so I felt sluggish ALL day. Did my workout & then a little wii fit plus too. I definitely wasn't as energized doing it because I didn't workout in the morning, but I still made myself do it!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    WOW!! I just did it for the 2nd time today!!! I feel great and my stamina is sooo much better than just 2 days ago!!!

    I Feel Great!! (Did I say that already????) LOL
    That's AMAZING!!! I was thinking of trying it 2 times in one day. But I HAVE to get my morning workout in. Missed it today and was so sluggish all day. It definitely makes a difference for me having a morning & night workout!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Wow, what an energy boost from the Shred! If I was a coffee drinker, I'd assume it's just about the same high. :drinker:

    I started out today telling myself that since I missed the Shred yesterday, I would do it twice today. Well, I changed my mind about 15 minutes into the workout. :laugh: Instead, I challenged myself to slowly start reducing the modifications I am doing for push-ups and the lateral leg movements with shoulder lifts. I am really aiming to complete the video on target, 10 days for each level, so hopefully the increase in difficulty will mean I do the WHOLE thing Natalie-style by the end of the 10th day!

    To supplement the Shred, I did 45 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) this evening. 1 minute sprint @ 8 mph, 2 minute walk @ 4 mph (repeat 15 times). Not only did this workout stretch my sore legs, it is a great way to eliminate fat! Plus, I can always motivate myself to run a minute if I know that I'll get to walk for two minutes after!

    700 calories in the books. 700 calories closer to the body I want for the VS bathing suit I ordered this weekend!

    HIIT sounds awesome! It makes me wish I bought a treadmill instead of an elliptical haha
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Today my legs were tore up some good. I thought I was going to be stuck on the toiled this morning (6' tall + low toilet = troubles when your muscles are screaming) So, I decided that for the first week or two I would go 2 days / Rest / 3 days / Rest.
    Considering my absolute lack of activity prior to this, I wager that this is more than acceptable the first week.

    I feel a bit bummed for NOT doing it, but I do NOT want to hurt myself.

    So, tomorrow I'll visit Jillian again!

    You lost 49 lbs without exercising before starting this video? Wow I'm jealous! haha Good job sticking to it even when you are sore! Taking a rest day in between is a good idea if your muscles hurt that badly. Surprisingly I wasn't very sore and I'm perfectly fine right now. I did some extra stretching like Karma said and that helped.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    So glad L1D3 is done! I am NEVER going to miss another morning shred again! Doing it at night was soo difficult for me with the difference in my energy. It's crazy how much engery I have to do more cardio at night when I do the Shred in the morning. It makes me feel great throughout the day with a lot of energy! I did the Shred tonight, did about 14 girly pushups the first time around then only 9 the second time around. I used 5 lb weights for the WHOLE thing this time, even those awful side lunge shoulder raises! The only part I kind of slacked on was the bicycle crunches, laying there made me want to go to sleep. So after the cool down I did 10 minute abs on BL 30 day jumpstart, then 30 minutes on Wii Fit Plus. I'm a little disappointed I only burned 356 calories today when my goal is at least 500 calories, but oh well I'm going to bed a little earlier tonight, get a good nights sleep then back at it in the morning! I'll be even more ready for day 4!!!!!!
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Today my legs were tore up some good. I thought I was going to be stuck on the toiled this morning (6' tall + low toilet = troubles when your muscles are screaming) So, I decided that for the first week or two I would go 2 days / Rest / 3 days / Rest.
    Considering my absolute lack of activity prior to this, I wager that this is more than acceptable the first week.

    I feel a bit bummed for NOT doing it, but I do NOT want to hurt myself.

    So, tomorrow I'll visit Jillian again!

    You lost 49 lbs without exercising before starting this video? Wow I'm jealous! haha Good job sticking to it even when you are sore! Taking a rest day in between is a good idea if your muscles hurt that badly. Surprisingly I wasn't very sore and I'm perfectly fine right now. I did some extra stretching like Karma said and that helped.

    LOL! Don't be jealous, you have to be severely overweight for your own MASS to burn calories :D I still have like 67 to go but I was hoping that developing some muscle mass might help the process.

    I can't see the point in quitting now! So, heal up and get back at 'er I guess. Just gotta kick this PMS lawl.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Hey Shredders! I'm happy to report that I am down 4 pounds since my last weigh-in (a week ago today):happy: I'm going to take my measurements next Thursday. Today I am going to buy some new pants because mine are starting to get a little baggy in the behind (a co-worker pointed this out to me yesterday). Hard work really does pay off! Keep it up everyone.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Karma, is there a grocery list to be used in conjuntion with this shred? I didn't sign up or Jillian's inline 30 day trial.

    I didn't sign up for it either so I couldnt tell you for sure...but I've never heard that before. There is a thread around here (posted today) about public food diaries...all the people that have replied have public diaries....I think its a great resource for finding new ideas from people that have the same goal as you. Not everyone eats great all the time, but there are definitely some great ideas!

    Just make sure you are staying over at a minimum of 1200 NET calories...NET being the key word!

    That what people mean by eat your calories to make sure your body doesn't go into starvation mode? So if I eat 1200 per day regularly, work out and gain 200 back, I need to eat those 200 as well?


    crmldlyte- You don't have to eat all of your workout calories if you don't feel hungry. It's good to do so though! I eat 1/2 of my workout points on most days, some days I eat them all!!! So, if you're not hungry don't force yourself to eat them!!!! Good Luck!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member

    ???? Does anybody here turn the volume off and do the Shred to music????

    I did this once & was still doing plank jacks when the girls were up doing double jumping jacks!!! When I'm on the floor I do not look at the screen I am in my zone. So, won't do it again!!!! :laugh:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hey Shredders! I'm happy to report that I am down 4 pounds since my last weigh-in (a week ago today):happy: I'm going to take my measurements next Thursday. Today I am going to buy some new pants because mine are starting to get a little baggy in the behind (a co-worker pointed this out to me yesterday). Hard work really does pay off! Keep it up everyone.

    This is FABULOUS!!!!! Way to go Girl!!! You go ahead & get you some new pants, they are well deserved. Keep it up!!!!
  • callie365

    ???? Does anybody here turn the volume off and do the Shred to music????

    I did this once & was still doing plank jacks when the girls were up doing double jumping jacks!!! When I'm on the floor I do not look at the screen I am in my zone. So, won't do it again!!!! :laugh:

    I'm thinking about keeping one ear bud in and one out ... so I can kinda hear enough to keep up with the Shred gals! :smile:
  • callie365
    Hey Shredders! I'm happy to report that I am down 4 pounds since my last weigh-in (a week ago today):happy: I'm going to take my measurements next Thursday. Today I am going to buy some new pants because mine are starting to get a little baggy in the behind (a co-worker pointed this out to me yesterday). Hard work really does pay off! Keep it up everyone.

    WOO-HOO WTG !!!!! It does pay getting your *kitten* Kicked by Jillian!!
  • callie365
    So glad L1D3 is done! I am NEVER going to miss another morning shred again! Doing it at night was soo difficult for me with the difference in my energy. It's crazy how much engery I have to do more cardio at night when I do the Shred in the morning. It makes me feel great throughout the day with a lot of energy! I did the Shred tonight, did about 14 girly pushups the first time around then only 9 the second time around. I used 5 lb weights for the WHOLE thing this time, even those awful side lunge shoulder raises! The only part I kind of slacked on was the bicycle crunches, laying there made me want to go to sleep. So after the cool down I did 10 minute abs on BL 30 day jumpstart, then 30 minutes on Wii Fit Plus. I'm a little disappointed I only burned 356 calories today when my goal is at least 500 calories, but oh well I'm going to bed a little earlier tonight, get a good nights sleep then back at it in the morning! I'll be even more ready for day 4!!!!!!

    Keep going Jerzee your doing GREAT!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    WOW!! I just did it for the 2nd time today!!! I feel great and my stamina is sooo much better than just 2 days ago!!!

    I Feel Great!! (Did I say that already????) LOL
    That's AMAZING!!! I was thinking of trying it 2 times in one day. But I HAVE to get my morning workout in. Missed it today and was so sluggish all day. It definitely makes a difference for me having a morning & night workout!

    I missed my morning workout today also. I could not get out of bed! I think going to bed too late and getting up earlier this week (just so I can workout) caught up to me! I have to do it when I get home from work because Grey's and Private Practice are on tonight, and I have viewing gatherings at my house....they dont tend to end til after ten, obviously. I'm thinking about trying to do it back to back to get both workouts in. The afternoon workout definitely gives me the same boost the morning one does!