

  • My hubby and I use to play Everquest when if first came out. Now, I play a free online game called Shaiya which is similar but a lot less expensive. It keeps me busy during the summer and away from the frig....makes the temptation a lot easier to resist.
    in Any gamers? Comment by jan412 June 2008
  • Thanks for the help. My mom was telling me the same thing a couple days ago that sometimes you gain weight before you start losing. I know that moms know best...because I am one..lol , but it's reassuring to hear the information again from another source. Thanks again for the great info.
  • I'm new here (2nd week) and did not lose last week...actually gained a pound. I'm a little depressed about the gain as I thought I really did pretty good last week. However, I know I didn't drink enough water...would that have made such a big difference? My goal is 1200 calories a day, but of course when I exercise it adds…
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