

  • Okie Dokie, so I skipped out on my workout yesterday and have missed a total of 3 days for level 2 shred...this is not my plan is for the next 3 days is to do level 2 twice each night for a total of 54 minutes...this will make up my missed days in my head and hopefully here on out I can remain focused and not…
  • Okay peoples it is day 8 of level 2 and my endurance is better..while level 2 still kicks my butt and makes me sweat I can get through the entire workout following natalie and not modifying any of the workouts...I am not seeing any numbers move on the scale...clothes fit differently but we'll see curious to see what day 30…
  • Okay it has been a while since I've checked in and let me tell you I am on day 3 of level 2 and hate it!!! I am literally dying at the end of my workout....I love it and hate it at the same time....I am definitely going to stick it out...I missed one day of level 1 but doubled up the next day doing level 1 and level 2 but…
  • Last night was day 8 of 30-day shred and all was good. Had my tooth pulled and wasn't suppose to exercise but I just couldn't skip it. So I was definitely in a sweat at the end of the workout but I haven't been sore since the first few workouts not sure if this means my body has gotten use to it now...only 2 more days at…
  • Okay checking in and day 6 for me was a no go...bad toothache (going to get the tooth pulled today) however, last night day 7 I did level 1 and level 2 exercises....I am not liking level 2 uggghhhh to me it is more fast paced and difficult moves...but only 3 more days of level 1 and I have no by doing last…
  • Sorry and last reply was to mama2sethandolivia's post.....Last night was day 5 of level one and I can definitely tell a difference in my endurance....I was able to do all exercises with no modifications....I do use 8lb weights for some exercises and 3lb weights for others...I will continue to increase weights...I am no…
  • No you do each level for 10 days....I have 8lb weights and 3lbs weights and you are right you'll need to switch according to the exercise and your tolerence....last night was day 5 for me and so far I feel good about it...I break a sweat each workout....they are ot as hard as P90X but I really want to see how I look after…
  • They say it is because with any stregth/weight training program you are replacing fat with muscle so there may not be any change on the scale or in measurements because now it is muscle...If you look and feel better the numbers don't matter
  • Last night was completion of day 4 of the 30-Day shred with Jillian Michaels (Finally realized I was spelling her name wrong) and it is getting easier...I still feel sore muscles etc but overrall I feel good....I increased my weights last night to 8lb weights some exercises I had to modify the amount of weights.....on the…
  • I will defintely have to do that....just finished day 3 level 1 workout....I think it is getting easier....I wanted to give up on the lunges but didn't and the sideway lunge with arm raises are a *********** lol I'm determined to keep going I need to get more hand weights so I can add more resistance....Great job so far on…
  • Okay I am on day 3 and wooooooo I am sore did day two last night and definitely felt the burn...I really try to push myself because truly I know after doing P90X anyone can cheat on any exercise and your body won't get the results from it.....Lost 2lbs since the start date...however I've also watched what I've been eating…