Beloved1rv Member


  • My asthma and allergies were making it very difficult yesterday but I was able to do a one mile walk. I am celebrating the fact that I didn't just use my breathing as an excuse.
  • Thanks for the tip about moving while on the phone! I usually sit at my desk and play computer games while on the phone. No more of that ! I will be moving!!!!
  • Just finished the 2 mile walk. It is posted on YouTube for free. My allergies and asthma were acting up, but with the commitment I made to this challenge and God's grace, I made it through! It feels so good when it's done. I want exercise to become a habit, a non-negotiable habit!!!
  • Today was my first walk. I did the two mile. It is available on YouTube for free! My allergy and asthma were acting up, but thanks to this challenge & God's grace, I was able to complete it! I feel great! I really want exercise to become a habit. Have a great day!
  • Thanks so much! This group is an answer to prayer! I have been trying to make exercise a habit and I know that with God's help I can do 30 minutes per day!!!! The videos are free on You-Tube!!!! Let's go!!!!
  • Thanks for the inspiration and honesty! Congrats!!!!
  • Hi There! Looks like you just found a new friend. I am 58 years young, my daughter will be getting married in June and my son and his wife will give me my first grandchild in August! With all if these blessings on the horizon, I need to take better care of myself so I can enjoy all of these wonderful…
  • Woo-Hoo! Happy for you!!!:drinker: :
  • Hello There! My name is Regina and your story so resonated with me! I am 58 years young and my daughter-in-law is expecting our first grandchild this summer! Additionally, My daughter is getting married in June and I am running as fast as I can!!!!! I too, lost about 60 pounds and unfortunately, gained back quite a bit of…