

  • Hi! Three things about me: 1) I have 2 fur-babies, both from EHS 2) I have a real baby (toddler now) and nursing helped me lose weight at first but it's not working anymore...in fact I'm going UP now! 3) I love dancing. I did belly dance for a couple years, modern before that, and most other styles while in school.
  • Hi, I'm Krystina. I have a 20 month old son. I work full time but nurse on demand through the night and on weekends. We cosleep part time (as needed) in his double floor bed now. Best idea ever! Since going back to work I've gained a further 10 pounds and it keeps going up :( I'm hoping that tracking my food intake will…
    in New! Comment by cbbkf13 March 2014
  • Hi, I'm Krystina. I have a 20 month old son. I work full time but nurse on demand through the night and on weekends. We cosleep part time (as needed) in his double floor bed now. Best idea ever! since going back to work I've gained a further 10 pounds and it keeps going up :( I'm hoping that tracking my food intake will…
  • Hi! I just going on MFP Tuesday. I'm glad there are other extended nursers on here! I'm nursing my 20 month old. I still eat like I'm nursing a newborn though he nurses only from bedtime through the night (on demand) plus on demand on weekends. Since starting back at work when he was a year old I've gained 10+ more pounds,…