

  • I would think that this would consider you "active". Depending on your activity level outside of work would dictate if you are "very active". As far as if the 2100 a day is sufficient calories. Any where you look the body needs 1200 calories minimum to sustain your metabolism. So you are ok with the 2100.
  • Although I don't have as big a goal as you do I understand your pain. I recently went to a wedding and the dress that I bought I thought I looked good in at the store. Well I was looking thru the pictures from the wedding and I still see the Heavy me before I lost almost 60 lbs. I also find myself going to the "fat"…
  • I feel the same way. My husband tells me all the time that I look great. I can feel it in my jeans I have gone from an 18 to a 10. But I think to myself, "they are making the sizes bigger" I feel great when I get down to a new size but then the questions come back. Just keep doing what you are doing and there will be one…
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