

  • Instead of white bread try Flat Out Flatbread for sandwiches. Just as big as a sandwich with bread, but only 100 calories for the WHOLE flatbread (they're Venn Diagram shaped so you can fold in half). Or if you're not using it already, make sure you're buying Whole Grain white bread if it's a texture/taste issue. It's made…
  • My stepmom is a TERRIBLE gift giver...I think she's finally given in and gets us gift cards to someplace at Christmas... As a note, she was never terrible at it until after she had a kid. This also coincided with being born again.... Kleenex. Honest to goodness. A box of Kleenex. Then the next year, chapstick and pocket…
  • Hi everyone! I'm 24 and am finally ready to turn my life around and fit into "real girl" clothes. Not to mention I hope to get married and look fabulous in a wedding dress--and maybe look cute preggo too XD My weight when I started was 255. That was mid-march. I'm down to 236 and I feel fantastic! My goal weight is 150. My…