MFPers in their 20s

My name is Ashley and I am 20 (21 in 14 days!!) I currently weigh 207lbs (ughhh) and would like to be down to 140ish. I have been struggling sticking to my diet and exercise program, I'll do great during the week and then eat bad over the weekend. I would like to have a few contacts on here so that when we are having hard days that we can look to each other for the support we need. It's hard for me to talk to my skinny friends about this because they have never been in the position I am in currently.


  • msheldon88
    msheldon88 Posts: 71 Member
    I just turned 23 and would love some encouragement also. I also have the problem of over eating on the week end. Feel free to add me.
  • FunFitFast
    FunFitFast Posts: 35 Member
    Ashley- I am in the exact same boat as you. I'm 20 years old and 207lbs! Add me as a friend and let's motivate each other! :)
  • FunFitFast
    FunFitFast Posts: 35 Member
    Ashley- I am in the exact same boat as you. I'm 20 years old and 207lbs! Add me as a friend and let's motivate each other! :)
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    Hey there ash! I'm 26 and 206! You should add me, when I started this journey I was 250 - and being at 206 is actually exciting for me!! Don't be so hard on yourself missy, you're headed in the right direction :)
  • lprewett86
    lprewett86 Posts: 43 Member
    I just turned 25 in March and have dieted off and on but am really sticking with it this time (since Jan. 2011) to turn my lifestyle around. I was so active in all the sports in high school then after 5 years of college and now, teaching, I just gave up the activeness.... Not anymore! I would love to be here to chat, for support and encouragement, and anything else ya need! Anyone feel free to add me if you would like! :) My highest weight was 252, now I am at about 210!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Hey all i am 26 name is Melissa and want to be down to 130 :)
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I'm 25, almost 26 (old I know! Jk) and I have lost a big chunk of weight before MFP! Feel free to add me! OH and i don't even know what weight I'd like to be! I'm doing INSANITY and I have been losing inches (I think!) My parents told me i am looking "skinny" lol so that is my judgement! Measuring starts today!! Anyway, not sure of what "weight" I'd like to be BUT I would like to be confident with my body and feel good in it! My reward? Belly button ring!!
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    Count me in I am 21
    CW 185
    Short term goal weight 150
    But I really hope to be 130
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey everyone.
    Turned 22 in october. I am around 150 but really want to be around 140. I know that doesn't sound like much but I started at 162. Feel free to add me, I'm opposite though. I like to overeat on some of the weekdays with my friends and then try to be really good on the weekend and other weekdays :)
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I'm 24 -- just joined a few days ago. I'm starting at 148, and would like to be 120-125, ideally. Only 20ish pounds to lose, but it feels like a lot more because I feel like I've gained a lot of it in the past year or two, yet haven't really had any lifestyle changes in the past two years, so I don't know how it's happening! I also get easily tempted by desserts, and since I often work 70 hour weeks, "quick" meals and fast food happen more often than I would like since I don't have the time or energy to cook.
  • abrand7
    abrand7 Posts: 11
    Awesome! I am so ready to start my new life! =) Feel free to add me if anyone would like! =)
  • paprgrl421
    paprgrl421 Posts: 3
    Hi everyone!
    I'm 24 and am finally ready to turn my life around and fit into "real girl" clothes. Not to mention I hope to get married and look fabulous in a wedding dress--and maybe look cute preggo too XD
    My weight when I started was 255. That was mid-march. I'm down to 236 and I feel fantastic! My goal weight is 150. My boyfriend is trying to do this with me. He's becoming a firefighter and is 300 lbs...and it's not all muscle. :\ But he's getting there! We have a bet going that whoever makes their goal/gets there first gets to be treated to a weekend away of their choice paid for by the loser. :D Competition motivates him really well!
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    26 and 240 here.

    Got a long way to go. Goal is at least 160 and then re-evaluate if I want to go lower. :)