

  • It's encouraging to see everyone out there committed to the program! I have a question for everyone here and I would love to hear your thoughts. I just completed W5D3 (run 20 min/ 2 mi). It took me just over 20 min, as in just under 21 min to finish the two miles. In the interest of program integrity, do you believe that…
    in C25K Comment by manduclese April 2014
  • Hello! I had some awful side stitches during the last two days of week 4. I watched a YouTube video about proper breathing during running and the gentleman recommended a rhythmic breathing that feels like "hee hee, hoo hoo, hee hee, hoo hoo." In on the hee's and out on the hoo's. Each hee and hoo is a step. These shorter…
    in Tips Comment by manduclese April 2014
  • Hi all, Just finished W4D2 with Luna sandals. I tried c25k last summer and tried to do too much too fast. I was just getting back into running from not running for a few years, getting used to running with the Luna sandals and my biggest mistake: running to music. Man, a good song would come on and I would get pumped up…
    in C25K Comment by manduclese April 2014
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