


  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Congratulations, all you runners! Especially you, Lau_uk, Laughter_Girl, and stephnerR! You bunch of crazy runners!

    Finished W3D1 this evening. It was nice!
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    C25K W3D2... felt real nice! Felt blessed to be able to be out there doing it all wrong... but it's alright!
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    C25K W3D2... felt real nice! Felt blessed to be able to be out there doing it all wrong... but it's alright!

    That's funny! Thanks for making me smile.

    I completed W6D2 - it wasn't too bad. I looked ahead and found out there will be no more walking breaks - ouch.
  • Hi all,

    Just finished W4D2 with Luna sandals. I tried c25k last summer and tried to do too much too fast. I was just getting back into running from not running for a few years, getting used to running with the Luna sandals and my biggest mistake: running to music. Man, a good song would come on and I would get pumped up and take off and injure myself.

    This time, I started slowly, made sure to listen to my body and vigorously stretch after my runs and during my off days. Now, I have no pain in my feet, ankles, shins or calves. Just muscle soreness from a butt whoopin' of a run!

    Altra makes a shoe called Provision 1.5 that is geared towards people with flat, flat feet like me. Here is a bit of info for those like me who are looking for comfy foot wear options. When I read the description, I thought, "Oh man, these were made specifically for me!"

    Experience Altra's all-new Provision™ 1.5 – designed to promote low impact running form while preventing discomfort associated with stability issues and weak foot musculature. The removable stability wedge assists with fallen arches and excessive overpronation. Simply remove the stability wedge to convert this shoe from a moderate stability shoe to a neutral to mild stability shoe. The Zero Drop™ platform provides a high level of natural stability. Plus, with its unique foot-shapedtoe box, toes are allowed to splay naturally to assist in a more powerful push-off and greater comfort on the long run – something other running shoes don't offer.

    Technical Stuff
    Ideal Uses: Running, Trail Running, Fitness / Cross Training
    Designed to Reduce: Shin Splints, Knee Pain, Forefoot Pain, Bunions, Overpronation
    Platform: Zero Drop™ Platform, Foot-Shaped Design, NRS – Natural Ride System™
    Weight: 10.5 oz
    Stack Height: 27mm Medial / 23mm Lateral. 22mm without wedge
    Midsole: Two-Layer EVA / AltraBound™
    Outsole: Blown Rubber FootPod™
    Insole: (2) Molded Support, Stability Wedge
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    I completed W4D2 yesterday, and I feel great! I am so very proud of myself.
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Way to go @Laughter_Girl! Good job. I'm right behind you.

    Just did Week 4, Day 1. Felt good... Two 5 min jogs... I'll take it! I'm proud of myself for getting it done.
  • G_RRR
    G_RRR Posts: 53 Member
    I completed week 3 day 1 today (took some days off) =)
  • blondie__0x
    blondie__0x Posts: 31 Member
    Just completed week 3 day 3; always feel accomplished when I can say I finished the entire week. :)
  • G_RRR
    G_RRR Posts: 53 Member
    Week 3 day 2 today - yay!!
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Congratulations, blondie_0x and G_RRR! Way to go.

    Finished W4D2 just now. Somehow wound up on an uphill portion around my neighborhood for the second 5 min jog. It taxed me more than I anticipated running uphill! But, I finished.

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • jlm0710
    jlm0710 Posts: 11 Member
    Just finished W2D3! I am getting a little nervous when I look at the weeks ahead, but I am determined to continue with this program:)
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Just finished W2D3! I am getting a little nervous when I look at the weeks ahead, but I am determined to continue with this program:)

    Way to go jlm0710, you can do it!
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Strange thing happened to me today... did Couch To 5K W4D3... then, felt real energized, and at my usual mark to turn back toward home, I just kept going. Went ahead and did C25K W5D1. I guess, in the words of one of my most favorite characters, Forest, Forest Gump, "I just felt like running!" Felt good!
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I have not been able to run for over two weeks now due to the bursitis in my knee. But it is much better now and I have decided to start walking again every day for a couple of weeks before I start up on the C25K again. So I will be significantly behind, but I am ready for the reboot.
  • blondie__0x
    blondie__0x Posts: 31 Member
    Started W4D1 today.
    I think I need to start stretching before I run from now on. Any suggestions on what stretches you do before C25K?
  • G_RRR
    G_RRR Posts: 53 Member
    Week3 day3 complete!! well done everyone!

    blondie, actually I prefer stretching after running, like some yoga (there are some youtube short routines)
    Before running I just start walking slowly for a few minutes then I start the c25k warmup walk
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    I completed W5D1. Congrats to everyone so committed to becoming runners.

    I do not stretch before starting C25K because I was always told you should stretch after your muscles have been warmed up. I generally just walk about 4 minutes or so prior to starting the app.

    Wishing everyone continued success.
  • blondie__0x
    blondie__0x Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions!
  • It's encouraging to see everyone out there committed to the program!

    I have a question for everyone here and I would love to hear your thoughts. I just completed W5D3 (run 20 min/ 2 mi). It took me just over 20 min, as in just under 21 min to finish the two miles. In the interest of program integrity, do you believe that counts as completed, or should've I completed the 2 mi in the 20 min time frame?
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    @manduclese If you were out there moving (note that I did not say jogging/running) for 20 minutes, COUNT IT!

    Away with "program integrity". What does that mean anyway, other than some self-defined perception? You define your own program. You define your own victories.

    I'd say you did good! Definitely count it!