gokari30 Member


  • Still sitting at 7 lbs lost, and it's been about a month. Evey day I eat every single calorie given to me, plus the calories for working out, so maybe I need to reduce more? My cals are registered for a 1.5 loss a week but maybe I'll change to 2 lbs a week. I know 7 lbs is nothing to sneeze at, but I was hoping for a bit…
  • I meet with a personal trainer once a week and it's wonderful! We lift weights, which makes me feel strong, and gets me motivated for the rest of the week.
  • Sounds like everyone has had an awesome week of exercise! I have been doing well but got stressed about something last night. I tracked everything after and my dinner alone added up to almost 1,500 cals :-/ However, this morning I slipped (well it was a little tougher than slipped) on a pair of pants that haven't fit in a…
  • Thanks ladies! I especially love the idea of starting a pinterest board to look for recipes. I would have never thought of Men's Health---I'll check it out!
  • I am starting to incorporate interval training (walk/jogging) to improve my cardiovascular health (currently not great). However, it's frustrating, because due to my injury I must take rest days---not an option. I'm looking for something to do on rest days that doesn't involve putting any pressure on feet/ankle---I'm not…
  • Well getting a new scale didn't solve anything---it weighed me differently on different hard surfaces in my house (wood floor vs. tile). I've decided to just stick with one place so it'll be accurate from week to week. Oh well, someone today complimented me because she thought I'd lost some weight, so who cares that the…
  • Gahhh was so excited for my weigh in this morning, and according to my scale I GAINED 1/2 a pound. Every day I exercise and 6 out of 7 days I was on my calorie goal, so am disappointed. But I know the scale is fickle, and I've been weight training with my personal trainer, so it's hopeful I'm putting on muscle. My clothes…
  • @jolene_CO---so impressed with your runs! hope to be there someday. I make sure to eat a regular breakfast and lunch, on both Sat and Sun, which helps me stay on track. My weigh-in day is Monday morning, so being off track during the weekend can lead to my weigh-in not accurately representing all the good eating I've done…
  • Instead of the gym I've invested in a personal trainer, which has been amazing. She tailors my workouts for me and pushes me (safely) past where I might have given up (which I do very easily, haha).
  • @Christinamoli: I have the exact same issue. Can't tell you how many times I've been on/off the wagon. But this time, I'm trying to hope back on each time! I learned that I am going over my sugar allowance like every single day. It is mostly the Yoplait and Cliff bar that are guilty---my daily afternoon Cliff bar keeps me…
  • I agree with @Adpalangi....logging is my saving grace! For me, it's actually been just as useful to keep track of my sugar/sodium intake, as well as the proportion of carbs, fats, and protein. It makes me more aware of the balance of the day than just counting cals.
  • Short term: get anywhere in the whole world below 200 lbs (even if it's just barely). Long term: after I hit that, maintain for the rest of the year and then see where I am---if I want to lose any more weight or if I'm happy there. OVERALL GOAL: to break the yo-yo cycle.
  • Yes I can commit!! I am leaving the state for most of the summer for a fellowship study program and would love to start back up at school (teacher) with a weight and fitness level I'm happy at. I will be also planning my wedding, so I would love to just start maintaining when I get back into the grind. To me, fitness and…