What Exercise Did You Do Today (On going)

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
6:00 a.m. (went to a free personal (group) training session - it was awesome!!

Warmup - side shuffle/front & back shuffle
15 minute ab workout (ouch)
10/15/20 yard line squats
80 Wall balls - 2/20 forward 2/20 sideways (whittle that waist away)

2/15 lat pulldowns
2/15 shoulder/back extensions
2/15 shoulder press

10minute streches


  • Tigerorchid03
    Tigerorchid03 Posts: 5 Member
    An hour of walking and hiking outside. It was gorgeous out, and the great weather motivates me.
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    An hour Pilates class.
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    Jillian Michaels Body revolution! I love the how much you sweat after only 30 minutes!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Ahhh, like every other day zero..... Help! Something has to motivate me to do my training, other than I paid for the downloads. Would I be loosing lbs or inches with the workouts? I kinda think they are for firming up, which I sure could use as well. Never ever been athletic, not too coordinated either.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    It was a rest day for me. I'll do something light tomorrow.
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Landscaping for 3 1/2 hours - wrestling with a little rototiller that was jumping all over should have jiggled some fat off my arms. ;) Hauling bricks and stones, digging, raking, sweeping. Whew! Plus, I just got back from a 30 min. walk. Over 1,400 calories earned from exercise today. :)
  • jocoff2012
    jocoff2012 Posts: 7 Member
    10 min stationary bike
    leg press & leg extension
    5 min arc
    leg curl & calf extension
    5 min elliptical
    fly/rear delt
    5 min arc
    chest press & pull downs
    5 min treadmill
    row & overhead press
    5 min elliptical
    curls & arm extension
    5 min arc
    134 min workout = 875 calories
  • titiantop
    titiantop Posts: 9 Member
    60 minutes of sweat pouring, leg muscles screaming, rearend irritating Spin class. Burned 800+ calories!
  • titiantop
    titiantop Posts: 9 Member
    Ahhh, like every other day zero..... Help! Something has to motivate me to do my training...

    @adpalangi--A couple of things come to mind. I invite you to consider thinking of "movement" rather than "exercise"; you already move, right? Add just a little more movement...like leg lifts while you brush your teeth; or doing standing pushups and leg stretches using the kitchen countertop while you wait for coffee to perk; or one of my faves--trade your desk chair for a stability ball...yes, even your office chair. You'd be amazed at how fast your core muscles will tighten up maintaining an upright position on the ball!

    Also, find a movement buddy--neighbor, friend, colleague, dog...you are less likely to blow off a walk if someone else is counting on you.

    Lastly, I find that thinking of what Ideal Me would do is motivation enough to get me out the door, or to release my death grip on a cookie. Ideal Me is the 6 months in the future Me...not a Perfect Me, but a Me who feels toned, flexible, healthy, strong, and lean(er). Ideal Me chooses fresh, tasty, and beautiful foods as fuel. Ideal Me honors the temple of her Soul by choosing to maintain her body in optimal condition. Being drawn forward by that vision is inspirational, aspirational, and motivational for me.
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    I started with a 15 minute walk warm-up! Then I did a ten exercise workout for strength training. Then last but not least I did interval training on the elliptical machine! I killed it today!!!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 297 Member
    Today I will be doing day 3 of P90X3. Over the weekend I spent 3 hours shoveling and spreading mulch for my in laws. I got a great workout and their yard looks terrific!. On Sunday I spent 3 hours cleaning office buildings with my husband (it's one of our part time jobs.) I don't count when I do my house or yard work, but if I do it elsewhere I count it.
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Titiantop, thank you so much for the well need advice. I will truly use your suggestions. Does anyone else have tips the could share to get myself moving, and for tips on how to fit alittle in at a time til I am actually working out.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    I am starting to incorporate interval training (walk/jogging) to improve my cardiovascular health (currently not great). However, it's frustrating, because due to my injury I must take rest days---not an option.

    I'm looking for something to do on rest days that doesn't involve putting any pressure on feet/ankle---I'm not part of a gym :-/