

  • princeton NJ
  • its on my bucket list.
  • I'm 46 and weighed 200 pounds 6 months ago. Lifelong couch potato. I started eating right , doing weights, and running. Looking to complete first 5k in june. You hear the phrase if I can do it anyone can. Its true. I started on treadmill and worked my way up. Oh yeah, may 2009, I had surgery on my foot and developed severe…
  • "I didn't kill my wife"- harrison ford "I don't care"- tommy lee jones The Fugitive you know how many times I want to say 'I don't care" to somebody who's talking to me.
  • I'm also doing my first 5k in june. I've been jogging now a few months and hope to not make a fool of myself. Was thinking of doing c25k, but decided to do it on my own. Goof luck and let us know how it works out.
  • allready got names for our next cats picked out. gullum and smeegle. now to talk my wife into it.
  • 2 female cats, mario and luigi because we loved playing mario brothers years ago.
  • 1. What are your MFP goals? To get fit , lose weight , and run a 5k in june 2. What did you eat for breakfast? I work midnights so I just had herring fillets in mustard sauce. 3. What do you do with "me" time? mainly watch TV 4. 2 Radom things in your closet? costume Jet Li wore in "The One", homer simpson slippers 5. Type…
  • After one spin class, I passed my trainer and said I was going to hit the weights and work on my legs some more. He said why? He said I had burned up all the glycogen in my muscles during spin and any more work out would be a waste of time. He told me to go home and rest. I heard on the biggest loser they work out 2 1/2…
  • 22!!! Go out and have some fun. Its saturday night. 22 only comes once in life. ENJOY IT. Don't waste your time stressing, smoking, and eating. At 22 life is an adventure. Your fiancee can come along for the ride or get left behind. You can't change his behavior, change yours. Get together with some friends. Do things you…
  • your happiness should not be dependant on anyone else. Do what you want to do. Do what makes you happy.
  • You're 25, the whole worlds ahead of you. Don't sweat the small stuff. Once you own the house and have the kids, the bar scene is over. You do everything for your kids and there's always something to do around the house. I'm 46, married 20 years. I'm happy because I got all that bar stuff out of the way years ago. I was…
  • There are no quick fixes. It just puts a strain on your system. Keep doing what your doing.
  • sorry, but why are you angry he is out having fun? Why are you texting him and calling him? You know where he's at. Why the need to call/text him? Go out with your friends. go to a movie. have some fun too. You both are young, get out and enjoy life. Why are you mad he's having a good time. Its not his fault if you don't…
  • what? no garlic? Thanks for the recipe. i will give it a try and my apologies to emeril, but I will also kick it up a notch.
  • The worlds greatest entertainment center in my basement. 75" flat screen 3D TV, surround sound system to shake the whole damn neighborhood. A dozen pinball machines and a coke machine , which I would fill with various imported beers. Plus a wine cellar.
  • I work the midnight shift. Boss has a bowl of candy bars he constantly keeps filled. For 10 years I've emptied that damn thing around 2 or 3 AM when I get tired. 6 months ago I started eating right, 6 times a day, lean stuff. I haven't touched the candy bowl since. Lost 18 pounds along the way. I still drink coffee like a…
  • TABOR the 8 man johnny socco and his flying robot ultraman UFO far out space nuts
  • that if you swallowed a seed, a plant would grow inside of you If I marked a penny and put it in the bank account, I could look for it when they gave me all my money back.
  • How do you know when your serious? when you pass up free donuts at work. When you think twice about popping open a beer. When you can pass by the candy dish and not stop. When you think more about the calories than you do the taste of a bag of potato chips. I just started running outside a few weeks ago. I just stare…
  • married 20 years, here goes #1. toilet seat. - why should we do twice the work, lifting and lowering? #2 sink- my wife keeps taking the strainer out of the sink. Because it gets clogged she says. No kidding, that mean empty it, not take it out alltogether. What always winds up happening is the sink fills with dirty water…
  • a long time ago, julie newmar when she played catwoman on batman then donna douglas(ellie may ) from beverly hillbillies marta kristen from lost in space and calamity jane from F troop then it progressed to farrah fawcett bo derek in high school I drank too much to remember college years of course pam anderson and…
  • did a 7 day cleanse. Your hungry all the time and you get headaches. Nutritionist said better off eating fiber and drinking water. does the same thing. lost 12 pounds on the cleanse but it comes right back.
  • almost anything by rihanna or disturbed. Bon Jovi, unstoppable by kat deluna, a couple styx songs.
  • ditto, just go with fiber one cereal
  • running a 5k in june. Been working on getting in shape since Jan. After its over or the next day, I'm taking the train into NY and drinking all freaking day.
  • She went to my high school, but 20 years after i finished.
  • In vegas, sitting at a nickel slot machine and ordering another beer. In disneyworld, watching the fireworks with my family
  • yeah s&m anything by disturbed kat deluna-unstoppable
  • best-heart rate monitor watch, also new running shoes and treadmill worst- nutrisystem is only one I could think of