

  • I love pretty much everything except sports games haha I have an Xbox One which has been driving me crazy because all I have had is Dead Rising 3 and COD Ghosts for the past few months. But before when I had a 360 I loved the ME trilogy, Oblivion, Bioshock trilogy, GTA V, and ofcourse COD. I like Treyarch's games so much…
  • I played in the alpha test a few months ago and I thought it was awesome at first. I was getting like 35-3 K/D ratios...until I realized I was mostly killing "grunts" which are basically just stupid robots haha. I thought about still getting it but it isn't split screen and doesn't even have a single player campaign. It is…
  • I do pushups on leg days between sets and crunches between sets on arm days. I figure I'm getting the most out of my workout then. I guess I text sometimes too haha
  • I usually distract myself with Pinterest haha but I also make sure I allot enough calories so that I am able to have a snack at nighttime
  • I am a dietetics student here is the formula to calculate your TEE: If you are a dude-66.5 + (13.75 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.7 x age in years) If you are a chick-655 + (9.5 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years) After you get that amount, which is your BMR (basal metabolic rate) you…
  • Yes. Eww. Have you ever had alligator?
  • I make some that tastes just like Chipotle! 7-10 Roma tomatos, 1/2 red onion, 1/4 cup cilantro chopped fine, a bit of salt, and the juice of a lime. Yummmm