Some questions about activity levels and exercise

Hi. I'm thinking of using myfitnesspall on a daily basis and counting every food and activity I do. I'm a student and I'm walking for quite a lot of time during the day. What should I add as my activity level? I'm also going 3 times a week to the gym, I'm doing SS, so I do exercises like deadlifts, squats and others while I also go for 5ks 3 times a week. My goal is to lose fat. According to myfitnesspall I need to consume 1610 calories a day to lose 0.7kg a week. I'm 78kg and 175cm tall. Most calculators tell me that my TDEE is around 2400 and that I have to consume around 1900 to lose weight. What should I do?


  • bl0ndez0mb1e
    I am a dietetics student here is the formula to calculate your TEE:

    If you are a dude-66.5 + (13.75 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.7 x age in years)

    If you are a chick-655 + (9.5 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years)

    After you get that amount, which is your BMR (basal metabolic rate) you take it times an activity factor. For your activity I would 1.3 or 1.5. I always estimate lower personally because we can easily over estimate just how much you do.

    After you get that you can compare it to the options you have. Since I don't know your gender I can't add it up for you haha

    Good luck <3
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    It seems you are at least "Moderately Active". TDEE adds exercise calories beforehand and MFP will add those calories after you enter your exercise. Start with the above setting and adjust as needed.