

  • I still have some noticeable fat on my belly a little bit on my thighs and pecs which I really would like to lose. One thing I've noticed is that my eating times are very similar to intermittent fasting (breakfast at 9am, dinner at 7pm) which is 10:14 so I was wondering if there would be a problem if I had breakfast at…
  • So after looking into it more I was thinking along the lines of a more balanced 40/30/30 macronutrient plan. The issue I'm having is finding a way to get the 125g of protein (25g per meal and ~350 calories) without taking a big hit on weekly spending on food. The way I see it, everyday I would need to eat about 80g of…
  • At the moment I'm trying to work out a diet which has 120g protein (480 calories), 120g carbohydrates (480 calories) and 80g fat (720 calories) which would give me a total of 1680 calories. I was also looking at the calculation about how you can estimate the amount of fat you can lose in a day, which is: ((mass (lbs) x…
  • Wow, I didn't expect to get this many replies. Ok, so eat more, but how much more? Should I eat a little under BMR (i.e. 1600 if BMR is 1700) or should I eat a minimum of 1700. I only ask because neandermagnon mentions that if the deficit is big I will start burn muscle so it would be ok with a smaller deficit? Also I'm a…
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