miakoda40 Member


  • Hmmm... I'm not seeing my post from yesterday. So I need to try again today. I'm back. Glad to see Barbie keeping this thread going. I was able to find you guys from a bookmarked thread from 2019. Happy Birthday Lisa!! Right now I'm just tracking my food for a week. Exercise gets added later. Mia in MI
  • Auntiebk- Merri is a Welsh Terrier. I think she is gorgeous, but then again, I'm a wee tad biased. Mia in MI
  • Seeing some lovely pupper pics. I shared Max yesterday so today I give you Miss Merriweather. Merri for short. She is named after the blue fairy in Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
  • Heather - wishing you a very happy birthday. You look fabulous. Exermom - Yup. I am now officially retired and am constantly wondering how I ever found the time to work. Fun day in the glass studio yesterday. I'm busy making ornaments because I am taking off in the middle of November and won't be back until the end of the…
  • Today is my glass blowing day so I'm headed out for the studio and won't be back until 11pm. Popping in to say HI.
  • Rita - so sorry you lost your pup Last I posted my beloved Max kitty had gone walkabout. He was missing for 2 weeks. When he finally showed up he was dehydrated (sub-q fluids at vet), had lost 2 lbs (starting weight was 7 lbs so that was a lot of weight), was so weak he could not jump up on the couch, and he had a bladder…
  • Thanks and hugs for all the "welcome back" messages. I'm in frantic, worried mode and not thinking clearly right now so nothing more to say right now. For anyone so inclined please send thoughts or prayers for my beloved Max kitty to kindly get his rear end back home before dark tonight. He went missing yesterday.
  • Oh come on!!!! It's only August 4 and you Chatty Cathys are already on Page 15! I'll catch up on this month later. Thanks Barbie for keeping this group going. I've been MIA for a little over a year and I was able to find this month because of your faithfully posting the link to next month at the end of every month. I did…
  • I've been away for quite a while. I've gained 5 lbs. this past year. Doesn't sound like much but added to the year before it comes down to a total of 10 lbs gained. That puts me at a weight where my left knee is quite cranky. Must refocus and lose weight before the right knee joins in complaining. I'm not even going to…
  • Once upon a time I told a friend that I didn't want to ever make a quilt. Too much time and trouble. Well, I fell in love with a jelly roll (a bundle of 2.5" strips of fabric for those of you who are not familiar with the term) and have just now completed my first quilt block. I think this is going to be fun. Mia in MI
  • Happy Birthday Heather!!!
  • Whoops! I forgot for a moment we are now in OCT. Here is what I just posted in our Sept thread: Many thanks for all of the comments on my friend's funeral and my being angry over it. Yes, my friend knew she was dying (cancer) and had clearly detailed her wishes to her family. The kids simply could not accept her wishes.I…
  • Many thanks for all of the comments on my friend's funeral and my being angry over it. Yes, my friend knew she was dying (cancer) and had clearly detailed her wishes to her family. The kids simply could not accept her wishes.I totally agree that the funeral is for the living to find closure and say goodbye. Clearly her…
  • Feeling both sad and angry. Just came back from a funeral for a friend. I get that funerals are for the living but does that mean the living should ignore the deceased's religious preferences? Her children are Catholic. She left the church and became a Buddhist. She was buried with a rosary in her hand and a huge cross was…
  • Wendy - Major is adorable. I love the brindled coat. Mia in MI
  • Janet - That cabinet is GORGEOUS!!! Mia in MI
  • So sad to read about Gloria. My heart goes out to her grandchildren. Mia in MI
  • Lenora - I am so very sorry. I hope she and Will can find their way to peace despite this sorrow. Mia in MI
  • NYKAREN - I am planning a trip to Corning with my glass blowing partner. We were going to go this Fall, but we both signed up for a class instead so we will now wait until next Spring. I'd sure like to know what else is in the area that is worth seeing. Mia in MI
  • Janetr - Those are lovely. I can see why the family is hoping you'll keep making them. Mia in MI
  • The clouds moved away in time for us to view the eclipse. Not totality, but still spectacular. I was fortunate enough to be on a Caribbean cruise during a total eclipse. It still ranks high up on my list of incredible life experiences. Number 1 remains being present during the birth of friend's children. Mia in MI
  • Pip - Love the pics of the Airstream. Looking wonderful. Mia in MI
  • The good: Managed to complete my 5K today. 1:09:25 which is longer than my first 5K at 1:01:58. However, this one had hills while the first one was flat so I'm not going to *kitten* about it too much. I finished and got my medal. Had a lovely lunch with one of my Red Hat sisters. I did get my credit card back (see The Bad…
  • Heather, UK - I missed seeing what cruise line you are on. They sound terrific. Can you share the name once more? I am loving your pictures and travelogue. It is bringing back happy memories of my now long distant travels in that part of the world. Mia in MI
  • Pip - I like both short and long. Perhaps long just a little better.
  • Joyce, Indiana - You mention what I consider to be a very important point... She didn't follow her doctor's instructions and keep up with the supplements. I had gastric bypass surgery and consider it the best decision I could have made for myself. That being said, I give speeches for my surgeon's office on what surgery is…
  • Heather - LOL! Some of us may indeed be weird internet trolls. However, I choose to believe the vast majority of us have come here to present ourselves as we are. I feel being genuine is the only way I can get the support I need from this group. After all, if I present a fake face, the advice will be to the person I…
  • Bianca from South Africa - Do your boys know who the girl is? If I had some way to identify the child in question I would set up an appointment with the school counselor and let him/her know what I saw. That way the school can keep an eye out for the girl and perhaps determine if this was an isolated incident or if…
  • I'm still here