

  • Hi Dee, I've only been on for a week too. Lost 3.5 lbs so going in the right direction :) Add me as a friend if you like!
    in Newbie Comment by Toad100 April 2011
  • Absolutly nothing makes me feel sexy, look at the photo... need I say more!
  • Thanks Beegale, I'm looking for an instructor now.
  • Hi Levedi, nordic walking is a bit like skiing without the ski's, you walk as normal but use poles to help propell yourself along. I do like swimming and living close to the beach I'm just waiting till the weather warms up abit as its a free source of exercise I can use at any time :) and at the moment the English Channel…
  • I've been reading about this Nordic walking lark. Apparently its good for people like me who are, shall we say, overweight as a lot of the strain is taken off the joints in the legs. It also gives the upper body a workout too. I might just give this a go and let you know how I get on.