

  • I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I'll still offer support if you'd like. Good Luck!
  • I read in a woman's health magazine that when trying to lose weight you should check the scale daily...that way you won't let yourself get too out of control. I check my weight daily so I stay on track. Once a week I do my measurements: arms, bust, waist, hips and thys. Some times I don't always see the scale move but the…
  • Feel free to add me. I joined last week and don't have a lot of friends on here yet either.
  • I am trying the whole cinnamon thing and so far so good. This is my first week so we'll have to see if it helps. One needs to be very careful when taking high doses of cinnamon though. There can be many side effects...it can cause kidney or liver damage in some people and those who are on a blood thinner should not take…
  • I read this and now have hope that I will start losing again as well. I have been drinking tons of water this week so we'll see what happens at the weigh in on Monday.