kjnicol Member


  • WOW that is amazing!!!!! YOU ARE A MACHINE!!!!!!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Just wanted to pop in and say . . . LET"S KICK SOME SERIOUS BUTT TODAY!!!! and shake that body on the dance floor!!!
  • Hi everyone, My name is KJ and I'm a Kiwi (New Zealander) living and working in South Korea as a teacher. I'm 33 and live over here with my husband (also a kiwi) and my little puppy. I'm currently studying my masters BUT it is hopefully my last semester so should be finished before the end of this challenge (fingers…
  • Hi everyone, I can imagine you all looking around at each other and saying WHO IS THIS CHICK!!! :bigsmile: But I'm HERE!!! I have been keeping up with the challenges however not very active on the boards lately. Anina you are putting me to shame as I have just as much study as you BUT you seem to get on here and be able to…
  • hahaha Sweet as!!! so bust 47 waist 43 hips 51 arms 15.5 legs 29.5 There you go chick and thanks sooo much for doing this and keeping us all so motivated!!!
  • forgot to add my measurements so here they are (Jen Ive done them in cm if I gave them last time in inches just let me know and I'll convert them for ya :bigsmile: ) bust 119.5 waist 109 hips 130.5 arms 40 legs 75
  • I've been missed off the list :cry: did you forget about me?? :sad: :sad: Im sure it's just an oversight :bigsmile: you must have just missed my post (see above) Can you add me again please?? Thanks a bunch!!!
  • Hi everyone!!! Sorry Ive been MIA as been sick as a dog. I'm just getting over the flu now and it looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on!!! so weigh in this week is 225.1 Pretty happy as haven't been able to exercise but Ive been still eating healthy and drinking heaps of water. Ok off to read all your posts…
  • So just finished reading all your postings and it looks like you guys are rocking it!!!!! AWESOME WORK!!!! Thanks for the bday wishes everyone. It wasn't the best bday as was too sick and too busy to do anything but oh well I can make up for it next year when I'm all skinny and looking hot hehehe JR - some awesome…
  • Hi everyone, Sorry I've been totally MIA as Ive been sick as a dog!! I was even sick on my birthday:sad: :sad: So i haven't been doing the challenges BUT i'm going to try and catch up on the ones Ive missed as fast as I can ie before the end of this week. I have been keeping under my cals (even though not tracking them on…
  • Hi everyone!! Sorry Ive been MIA but Ive been sick and so didn't weigh in last week. I'm on my way back to recovering so I'm going to try get some slow exercise in today. I have some great news . . . I weighed in this morning and I reached my goal for this challenge!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Now it may…
  • Hi everyone, I had a really emotional day yesterday :grumble: But I must say that I'm much better today!!! :bigsmile: However I have a confession to make. . . yesterday I didn't do ANY exercise:sad: I'm so sorry to let the team down. I was really in a bad way and wanted to give up on everything. BUT today was a new day and…
  • Hi everyone!!! So I took Tuesday as my rest day as my muscles were killing me from my first ever bootcamp. But today I felt much better so I got in my 100 crunches and a mixture of bushman and pygmy exercises done. Was under my cals and drank all my water and some. Marie and Nica I'm so glad that your children are doing…
  • How did the pizza turn out?? My DH and I LOVED it!! In fact I have to make it again real soon as he keeps asking for it. YUMMY!!
  • Awesome work breaking that plateau chick!!!!!! WELL DONE!!!!! So i've been meaning to jump on and give an update but then life just got in the way. How was everyones weekend? Mine was pretty boring just filled with study however it doesn't matter how much I do there always seems to be more after Ive finished the day :sad:…
  • Just finished my yummy dinner of pesto tilapia - YUMMY!!!! Did my extra 2miles, drank my water, did my exercises and under my cals!! What a day!! Unfortunately no study done so will have to go extra hard 2morrow. Have an awesome day everyone and remember YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • Hi everyone, Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I have been keeping up with all my challenges though and I'm about to go and do todays before dinner. I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for another week of hard core challenges. I started bootcamp today and I could hardly walk after. I was so tired that I even…
  • Welcome back Jen!!!!!:smooched: I start boot camp 2morrow gulp :ohwell: I might not be alive after it so I just wanted to pop in to say my last goodbyes :wink: I think my muscles are already hurting just thinking about what they are going to do 2morrow!!!
  • yummy these are awesome ideas!
    in Salmon Comment by kjnicol September 2011
  • Good morning!!! So jumped on the scales today and for the 2nd day in a row I'm in the 220s!!! I haven't been at that weight since my wedding 3 years ago. Sooooo happy and to make things even more amazing yesterday was my rest day!! So my weight is going in a great downward direction! I'm starting Bootcamp with Anina on…
  • I broke through my plateau and into the 220s!! I'm 228.6 which means I lost a grand total of 4.2 lbs this week:bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!! YAY I'm soooooo happy!! I tried on some of my tops that I couldn't fit into b4 and they fit!!! A few of them are still a little bit tight but in a couple of weeks they should fit…
  • Hi everyone!!! How has this week been for you all. Looking at the chart I noticed that we have lost quite a few of us :sad: I hope they are all ok. This week has been a bit better getting into the exercise more and determined to eat healthy as its coming up to that time that all us ladies dread!! This was my downfall last…
  • Good morning ladies!!!! how is everyone doing? Haven't had time to read the boards or even post these days so sorry I've been so quiet. But I've still been chipping away at my challenges. Sunday - under carbs, 50 push ups but only 20 mins cardio Monday - under cals, 50 crunches but again only 20 mins cardio Tuesday- Over…
  • Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing well, and going strong!! Got to the gym again today so exercises check, food check, water check. All done and ready to hit the sack so I can get up early and go for a swim. After handing in an assignment that is!! WIll it never end!! Sending love and good thoughts to everyone as my day…
  • Hi everyone, Sorry but this is just a quick note to check in as I can hardly keep my eyes open:yawn: :yawn: . So I did todays and yesterdays exercises was under cals both days and over water both days. attempted the bear walk but will have to try to make it to 3 mins 2morrow. I'll be back to check in 2morrow and hope to…
  • hi everyone just a quick check in as still studying hard out. Ok cals under water done 21s done JJ done extra mile done Now time to finish my document:sad: . Hope everyone is doing well and I'll have to catch up on reading all the posts 2morrow. Nica - sending my love from across the sea and hope your little girl has a…
  • Hi everyone, well I'm shattered :sick: and so sick of studying :grumble: but I did drink all my 10 cups of water today (sat is still our rest day right??) Friday I did 80mins of cardio and also was under fat Also dancing was fun!!! I turned up the music went for gold:bigsmile: Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • Anina a big congrats on the 20kgs!!!! You are my inspiration!!!! i am honored to have a friend as special as you! Well yesterday was my rest day but I still ate below my cals and drank all my water. Today (day 3) I completed 50 crunches 50 climbers 50 squat kicks 50 JJ 25 woodchopers drank all my water under my cals And…
  • weigh in: 232.8, slowly but surely getting there.