

  • I think you should consider allowing your muscles more time to recover and then build new muscle between workouts. Muscles don't grow as you work out, they contract. Your muscles contract while you workout and then they recover to their normal state and eventually build new muscle while you are resting. If you work out…
  • The people telling you to eat more are right. If you eat too little, and you are, your body will think it's starving and it will actually hold on to the fat for energy and you will not lose weight as quickly. Try going up to like 1200 calories/day.
  • It's not really about your weight. What matters is your body fat percentage. As you exercise you gain weight from the muscle you are gaining and the diet you are eating to grow muscle but as long as you gain more muscle than fat you will look leaner and your stomach will flatten out. Basically don't concentrate so much on…
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