kcputtytat Member


  • Hi, I just had gastric bypass on March 30. I know that losing is hard but you can lose 30lbs in 4 months. Cut out all junk food, pop, and white carbs. Lower your carb input to 30 grams with meals and 15 at snacks. Only have 1 healthly snack a day. Surgery is not an easy fix; the weight loss is still hard. The diet after is…
  • I hear ya on the eating for non-hunger related reason. I am an emotional compulsive eater. Don't try to be perfect. 10 lbs is no big deal. Just do the very best you can and if you have a rough hour just get back on track. Don't let your failures (I don't necessarily like to call them that) totally derail you. Eat healthy,…
  • Going grain/wheat free can be a very good thing. I have worked with a functional dietitian for years and she is finding more and more evidence that a great number of people have problems with grain; wheat particularly. All wheat in the USA is Genetically Modified (GMO) which has changed the composition of the product. In…
  • You can order Beanitos from a company called Vitacost. Here is the link http://www.vitacost.com/ They are yummy and I use black bean hummus as a dip.
  • I will have to give turnips a whirl. Never tried them. I love black beans. I add them to soups and salad. Also love to make black bean hummus; very tasty. I just replace the chick peas with black beans,,.yummy.
  • Thanks for the info. Very informative. My dietitian recommends agave nectar so I am forwarding this article to her.
  • When I buy small containers I usually buy Chobani. It has great taste, real pieces of fruit and a lot of protein. For plain yogurt I usually buy large containers of Fago 0% fat.
  • If I drink juice I usually have 4 oz and dilute it with sparkling water.
  • Good job! When you have been "programmed" to eat all the food on your plate leaving one bite is a great exercise. Congrats on your success!
  • Thank you all for your encouragemnt and ideas. :wink: I was extremely down last night and it is nice to see that people respond when I cry out.. Funny thing is I lead a group for compulsive eaters. You may not understand this but I am a Christ Follower and I firmly believe in spiritual warfare. I think that is part of what…