Strelok2500 Member


  • The notion that sugar from natural sources are things you don't have to think about [as much] is myth or at least exaggerated. []
  • Have you considered convincing them to buy organic meats that come from places where the animals are treated well (and lives much better lives than they would in the wild)? I think that would be a good compromise until you go off to college.
  • If 1200 calories (without exercise) puts you at a 1000 calorie deficit, then you should definitely eat all of your exercise calories back.
  • A lot of the people who become unhealthy on the Atkins diet are doing it wrong. An Atkins diet done properly won't be deficient in anything except for potassium. Fiber won't be a problem if you get the right vegetables in your daily diet. I think people tend to focus too much on the fact they can eat a lot of meat, and…
  • Soda will generally be -bad- for you, but we must not ignore that we have to quantify actually how bad it is for your health. From what I've seen, Diet Soda (in most cases) shouldn't be -terrible- for you, but it isn't good for you either. I'd say it's acceptable, but I also wouldn't drink too much of it. I personally…
  • Some people seem to think that the studies that can only show a correlation classify as "strong evidence". The evidence simply infers that it may cause you to overeat. The observation made was that the people involved in the study(ies) tended to gain more weight. It does not necessarily follow to then say "therefore…
  • I don't get what is with people adhering to this unproven myth that natural sugars are such a magnitude better and should be of no concern. The source that you get natural sugars from would most likely be better (an apple is better than a coke), but if we compare 50g of fructose from apples and 50g of fructose from a…
  • You're not supposed to go back to eating the way you used to, but you also don't have to stay extremely low carb forever. You can slowly increase your carbohydrate intake to find the maximum amount of carbs you can intake without gaining the weight back. Once you hit your target weight, you can actually reintroduce quite a…
  • No one (not in this thread anyway) is saying fruits are bad for you. The fructose in fruit, when consumed in too high of quantity, will be just as bad for you as the fructose from a coca-cola (if the quantity is the same). The video I linked is credible and explains the science of the matter. It examines step-by-step of…
  • Well, sucrose is just glucose and fructose ( The way your body handles them is different, but not in a particularly good way for fructose. The video I linked previously in this thread is fairly long, but it isn't some random user-made video, it's basically a lecture, and the person…
  • He said for 2 million years. Not 2 million years ago. That's a huge difference. Especially when considering human evolution.
  • Fructose (the sugar that you get from fruit), whether consumed from natural sources or artifical sources (such as foods with high fructose corn syrup) is equally bad for you when consumed in too high of quantities. What makes fruit better is the other aspects of the fruit that are healthy for you, disregarding the…