

  • I usually weigh-in on Sundays, but since they're closed this week, I'll be going on Friday. Double whammy this week with Passover and Easter (we celebrate both), but I've been sticking to my plan and only allowing myself the very special things that I only see once a year. Glad to see the successes being posted here!
  • I also have Fibromyalgia (and OA and RA). In Physical Therapy I was introduced to water exercise. It started with barely being able to walk across the pool, and now, 7 year later, I do water aerobics of some form most days as well as some land-based exercise. I can't do much on land, but I find I can do almost ANYTHING in…
  • Hi all - I'm Teri. Love this challenge! I lost 60 pounds with Weight Watchers in 2005 and have maintained most of it. In the past year, I've crept up about 10 pounds and I'd love to lose that and another five to get back to my wedding weight by my 25th anniversary in June. Perfect timing. I'm down 3 pounds since joining…
    in Welcome Comment by weathte April 2014
  • Three down, 12 to go. I'm finding getting back to basics (making sure I drink lots of water, tracking all my food and regular exercise) has gotten my head back in the game. We can do this!
  • I do some form of water aerobics 5-6 times a week either preceded by or followed by Pilates reformer once a week; Zumba once a week; Yoga once a week and weight-bearing workout twice a week. About 1-1/2 to 2 hours/day and I take Saturdays off.
  • New here,and would love to join the challenge. I'm shooting for 15 by June 18 (my birthday and 25th anniversary).