lovensunshine Member


  • Me too! Just starting today. I'm 44 and have about 50lbs to lose.
  • Kinda....I only have 1400 pins, but I feel I'm a success because I have more followers than I follow. My mother in law has over 50k pins. Now she is addicted. She is a hoarder in real life, so I should not be surprised.
  • I started Monday and haven't lost anything yet, but I'm thirsty today, so hopefully it kicks in soon. I've lost 40lbs on low carb before, so hopefully I can do it again.
  • Yah, I do feel bad. I see women on TV or at the gym that are smokin', and while I like 'fine,' for once in my life I want to be smokin'. I guess the motivation should be just me...not for other people, events, etc., but so that I FEEL like I can do it. Thanks for the tips.
  • It works great for weight loss, however, the best plan is always one you can stick to for life. If you can live with reduced carbs/grains forever, then it would work. I've lost weight very quickly on it, but realized that I wasn't ready to live a life without ice cream or birthday cake.
  • This. I've learned over years of dieting that the only thing that really works is changing habits. Dont do anything that you don't want to do for life. Change habits one at a time. For example, cut out soda, then no eating after dinner, then high protein breakfast, then add daily exercise that you enjoy. Eventually, you…
  • Your body fat percentage is still too high, even though you weigh very little. What I would suggest is to lift weights for your whole body...legs, arms, back, etc, so that you gain more muscle mass. That way, your weight will stay the same, maybe even higher, but your body fat percentage will go down. Watch your body fat…