Need Some Good Motivating Reasons to Lose Weight

I know I'm overweight, but I spend so much time in denial. I see myself in the mirror and I look fine. I already have a partner that finds me sexy and I'm the same weight as when we met. I have two kids and they say I look great

My blood pressure, blood sugars, cholesterol and all that are normal. I have plenty of energy and can do the things I like/want to do (hike, bike, ski) etc. without any issue. the back of my head, I know I am fat. I just can't find a good REASON to change my lifestyle when I'm so comfortable.

For the record, I'm 38, a size 8, 5'7" and hover between 150-160 with my current lifestyle.

I think I should weigh between 120 and 130 and would really like to find the internal motivation to stick to a plan. I'm starting here by logging what I eat, but it is so easy to slip back when I don't really have my eye on a a reunion/wedding or something.

Any tips on what I can find for motivation?


  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    Wow. It really sounds like you have no reason to lose weight. None. I don't think you should lose any weight, just concentrate on being happy instead. I mean, there is no reason for you to do it.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I checked your BMI and you are actually at a normal weight. If its that you just want to get more fit and tone up I suggest do some strength training - that will keep your metabolism up as you get older and tone up.

    I am your age and was your weight but I am 5'3 and lost 30 pounds in the last 1 1/2 year. So - I do understand about being comfortable with your weight and maybe that is where you are at.

    I would say you should work out even though all your tests are good and you are at a good weight its good for your body and mind to stay active.

    Hope that helps - Danielle
  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    It sounds like you are already motivate to lose weight ,just the simple fact that you have expressed your age height and weight and what you think you should weight.You just need to think positive and move forward and take what you want.Best of luck.You will find lots of support from allover the country.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Do you feel good about yourself? I'm thinking you must not because you are on here and you are calling yourself names (fat!!!)....I think that just the fact that you have made the effort to come to this site shows that you are in some way ready to make that feel better about yourself! What better motivator than that? I am wanting to lose weight and get in shape for I feel better about myself.....
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    By the way, a size 8 is NOT fat, especially at your height!
  • lovensunshine
    lovensunshine Posts: 11 Member
    Yah, I do feel bad. I see women on TV or at the gym that are smokin', and while I like 'fine,' for once in my life I want to be smokin'.

    I guess the motivation should be just me...not for other people, events, etc., but so that I FEEL like I can do it.

    Thanks for the tips.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Good for you! Do it for yourself...No better reason than to feel good about yourself, and have confidence! It can change your life!