

  • Just because you aren't sore at all today does not mean you didn't get a great work-out. Sometimes I'm not sore until the second day. (So if you worked out Monday, then you may not really feel it until Wednesday.) Plus, too much soreness means you overworked & should ease up a little. Personally, I'd go by how you felt…
  • Definitely go with crystal light - I use the on the go packets. Still water, but gives it a flavor boost. While diet drinks may not have calories, they are not good for you. Many studies show that people actually GAIN weight when drinking diet sodas -…
  • Deven, I lost my dad last year while I was finishing my last semester of law school. Needless to say, I put on some weight with the major stress & devastating grief (even though I tried to keep working out). Grief can seem overwhelming at times, and like you said, a difficult thing to navigate. And while one's grief is…
  • 10 pds in 5.5 weeks is great! That's about 2 pds per week, which is where you want to be. Sounds like you're moving in the right direction.
  • Water, fruits & veggies should be an essential part of any diet. But as the only things with protein shakes? That's not balanced nutrition. Fast weight loss is tempting, but as someone who's been there before, I can tell you - as soon as you go back to your normal way of eating, the weight comes back, almost immediately.…
  • For many, like me, my thighs never really get that much smaller - I'll always have "big" thighs, but by doing some of these things, my thighs look much, much better because of the muscle definition. But it takes both cardio & strength training to shape your thighs. Strength moves: A) sumo squat (or plie squat -…
  • That happens to me for three reasons: 1) When I'm not paying attention to the other numbers (carbs, fat, protein). You can eat mostly unhealthy food, like pizza & beer, but still be at or under your calories for the day. But if you eat more fruits & veggies, watch your protein & fat numbers, you will start feeling better &…