

  • your problem lies with in the cabinet......if its availbe its gonna be gone!! I struggle with this as well maily penut butter and cereals somtimes chips. when i buy these things i only buy what i intend to eat in one sitting. And when i do buy them they are for a reason and or controled refeed meal. when its done its done…
  • Play it safe. If MFP numbers are working start there and increase little by little and see how things go. IIFYM might work better with a strict lifting program.
  • If you are training daily go with the IIFYM numbers. So far i have had positive outcomes for myself and imo mfp may be a bit on the low end as far as my macros. But im still tweaking my numbers here and there. best thing to do is eat the same thing every day for a week or so and see what your body tells you. ajust numbers…
  • just make sure its not skippy or some other brand with all kinds of added junk....just penut should be listed on the ingredients. Keep it to 2 spoons a day. I to have a mashed banna penut butter rice cake addiction and always put a nice scoop in my smoothies. its when you buy a jar every other day you may need to slow…