magcowling Member


  • Have been struggling to loose the weight I gained on a wonderful holiday celebrating my golden wedding 4 weeks ago. I have just discovered this thread and would like to join you all, I hope it will encourage me to get back on track AND stay on it. My weight is 144 lbs. It would be great to loose 20 lbs by the end of Feb.
  • I'm going to give it my best. Starting today.
  • I would like to join too please. 10lbs does not sound too difficult, and will keep me focused.
  • I do not understand what you mean "should I start doing insanity" but by giving up alcohol you should loose some weight, providing you are eating sensibly. If you are sure that you are not over eating and have a well balanced diet. I would try cutting out alcohol first to see how that goes. It will be interesting to see…
  • Feeling really pleased, resisted for 7 days. :smile: Thanks to all for the encouragement.
  • Doing well. I nearly caved in last night, then I remembered all of you on this challenge. Had flavoured water in a large wine glass instead, and you know what, I really enjoyed it !! Keep it up everyone WE CAN DO IT.
  • I really want to do this. I really hope I can do it! I am going to try because I know it's wine that stops me losing weight, so please count me in. I have wanted to do this for a while but we always have wine in the house so it is not easy, I will need loads of willpower. so here goes