Lose 20lbs by Feb 1st Accountability Buddies



  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    85harper wrote: »
    I'm in need to do this keep saying start tomorrow but seriously need to start now

    You just started! Congrats - one step at a time right:)
  • MissTeriAnn
    MissTeriAnn Posts: 68 Member
    Dukare wrote: »

    I know what you mean!! I have a weight change but I'm hesitant to log it until it stays consistent.

    ... how long do you wait? I usually say if it's stayed for a week I'm allowed to log it...

    Soup is a great way to get a lot for one cooked meal! I need to get a food scale...[/quote]

    Well, I’ll feel confident to log once it fluctuates up and down 2 pounds less, if that makes sense.

    Yes I love fall because I can hide in my sweaters and have warm soup. I use to eat Pho almost every week but since im determines to eat better im making my own soups.

    I love finding recipes and tweaking them a little.

    Getting a scale has help me lose weight because I know for sure how much calories I’m putting in my body but it doesn’t help when I go out to eat lol.

    I just downloaded an app I saw other users here recommended call happy scale. It shows my pattern. Maybe I’ll notice a drop after gain! If so I’ll be super excited to see a pound up lol.

    I finally printed out my “before” pictures of me. I’ll be putting them in the fridge that my hunger for change is stronger than my hunger for junk food! :)

    Well have a great night! I noticed I’m rambling on here haha.
  • MissTeriAnn
    MissTeriAnn Posts: 68 Member

    Nice job overcoming 'sorry day back to work'! The food looks great too. I'm going to look up a similar recipe and try it. BTW, I found a pattern in my weight loss. I have a few days of plateau, then go UP one day, and down, below the plateau, the next. So I now watch for the up day and I know that a drop is coming. Discovering this was great because I used to get so disappointed from an up day. Now I look forward to it:)[/quote]

    Thanks you 😊 oh I meant to say my first day back to work lol.

    Yes there are so many recipes for this soup I just searched and searched until I found one that I can do and adjust.

    I think I’ll get to see a pattern finally with the happy scale app! I know our weight fluctuates a lot. Maybe I’ll wake up with a ten pound loss over night 😂😂 I’m kidding that’s wishful thinking.

    Hehe. Have a great weekend and stay strong!!

  • Bambi2810
    Bambi2810 Posts: 22 Member
    Hope I'm not too late to join in! This is exactly the kinda thing I need, first day back on here in a couple of months and accountability with some lovely folks will be a huge help! 😊
    SW: 149
    CW: 142
    I think I rely too much on cutting calories really low and not doing enough exercise which is why I usually gain the weight back so this time it's all about energy up for me!
    Good luck everyone!! 🖤
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    edited November 2018

    I weigh and log every day - no matter what the scale says. The Happy Scale app helps smooth out fluctuations and predicts losses based on all your numbers - up and down. Kind of fun.

    I just started using Libra. It gives a trend.

    Not sure why I never thought to get a separate app for weight logging. I just weigh almost every day, and if the numbers stay consistent for over a week or two (average), then I'm actually that weight. I recorded it in this app as an integer. Then, whenever I see the doc I take that number in its decimals as recorded truth. - though not to heart as much cause they even say don't trust it as much.

    It's a mini challenge for me to break 200 at the docs by 5lb. Then I know for sure I'm down!

    I did break it once. Got to 198 something once. It was shocking .....and amazing haha.

    Why is it seem so very hard to get over this wall? .... I can get down, but to break 200 .....and get into the low 190s is just a whole different ball game.

    ......... that I'm going to win this time around.
  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    Some things I've thought about since being a regular tracker and being accountable:
    Everything I eat is there, right in front of my face. Am I proud of my choices? Sometimes, some meals, yes. Is eating 400+ calories in Halloween candy daily a wise choice? Probably not lol. Did I track every single Kit Kat? Damn right I did. Since I'm within my caloric intake (most days) will I still lose? We'll see. I have since starting this challenge.
    Gone are the days of "I don't understand why I can't lose weight, I eat pretty good, usually" because when I track, I can see EXACTLY what and how much I eat: good, bad or too much. With accountability and tracking, the mysteries are solved, the assumptions are gone. This challenge and MFP has helped me not beat myself up over weight and choices. If I've been eating crap, goal is to stop eating so much crap.
    As far as exercise, well, ill get there eventually. We are all human, progress not perfection. Just what i was thinking... happy Saturday everybody!
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Guys! Since my last post, I weighed myself and though I don't necessarily think it's the true weight but just a fluctuation- I saw a number under 200!!!

    It is something magical to be able to see a number starting with 1, even if it is fleeting throughout a week - it means it is coming!

    Happy Saturday indeed!
  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    I would like to join.
    CW: 155 lbs
    GW for this challenge: 140 lbs
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    I'm trying hard to get my head back in the game. I'm in. Need the support to keep the daily dedication.
    CW: 188
    GW by 2/1: 173

    Keep up the good work everyone . Yay to all you losers! It sure isn't easy
  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    Can I be a late joiner??? I’ve lost 105lbs since Sept 2017, but I have hit a major plateau and need support and inspiration. I still have 30lbs to go. I lost my Dad 2 months ago, then needed emergency surgery and I’m struggling with comfort eating since then.

    My "Like" is for your weight loss of 105lbs, awesome! Not liking the lost of your father or surgery. Just to be clear. :-) Welcome aboard!!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Cleaned out the fridge to make a vegetable casserole. My weight is up some today, but that always happens before a drop. Headed out for a hike now... Gotta keep going!
  • MissTeriAnn
    MissTeriAnn Posts: 68 Member
    My weekly weigh in:

    Initial starting weight: 180
    Challenge Starting Weight: 165.4
    Goal Weight: 145.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125

    Sunday 10/07 = 163.0
    Sunday 10/14 = 160.2
    Sunday 10/21 = 159.2
    Sunday 10/28 = 160.0
    Sunday 11/04 = 159.4
  • randompurple
    randompurple Posts: 3 Member
    This is perfect! I'm in. My birthday is Jan 31, so I'm super motivated to lose 12 lb (the last 12lb!). My watch-outs to stay on track during this period of time are (1) the holidays, (2) work - started a new job last month, my job includes some traveling oversees, (3) Snacking in the afternoons.

    Traveling for work is new for me. Any advise? It's overseas, never the same place.

    Hey YogaGirl, here are some thoughts on the travel, it’s what has worked for me so may be helpful. 1) keep your regular exercise plan. I do yoga in my hotel room when traveling, I find morning exercise helps with jet lag. 2) plan out a food diary before you go. Look at the menus in the hotel/ local restaurants/ meals booked with co-workers or clients and try to work out what you’ll eat before you go. 3) if at all possible I try to get to a supermarket and buy food there and keep it in the hotel fridge rather than eating out.
  • JuliBiGoolee
    JuliBiGoolee Posts: 204 Member
    This is what we are trying avoid , my wonderful MFP people. Ha!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    My weekly weigh in:

    Initial starting weight: 180
    Challenge Starting Weight: 165.4
    Goal Weight: 145.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125

    Sunday 10/07 = 163.0
    Sunday 10/14 = 160.2
    Sunday 10/21 = 159.2
    Sunday 10/28 = 160.0
    Sunday 11/04 = 159.4

    Impressive and very inspiring! Thanks...
    This is what we are trying avoid , my wonderful MFP people. Ha!

    Exactly! We've already made it past Halloween. 👏👏👏
  • kfitzwater24
    kfitzwater24 Posts: 18 Member
    Beginning weight: 174
    Start of challenge: 156.2
    Sunday 11/4: 158.8😣
  • kfitzwater24
    kfitzwater24 Posts: 18 Member
    So my first week was NOT successful. I have trouble avoiding stress eating, because I work in a fast food restaurant. Plus I think a consistent schedule with structure will help me pivot this week and have better results
  • Jerome1549
    Jerome1549 Posts: 14 Member
    Lets do it!!!
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    edited November 2018
    Weekly Weigh-In Post
    SW (Oct 01) - 166.3
    Oct 07 - 164.3
    Oct 14 - 163.5
    Oct 21 - 164.3
    Oct 28 - 160.5
    October Total: 5.8 lbs
    Nov 4 - 158.3
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    So my first week was NOT successful. I have trouble avoiding stress eating, because I work in a fast food restaurant. Plus I think a consistent schedule with structure will help me pivot this week and have better results

    Ugh, emotional eating is tough. Glad you're here to share though - that's a success! Keep going!!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In Post
    SW (Oct 01) - 166.3
    Oct 07 - 164.3
    Oct 14 - 163.5
    Oct 21 - 164.3
    Oct 28 - 160.5
    October Total: 5.8 lbs
    Nov 4 - 158.3

    Nice work!! Inspirational. 👏👏
  • rsbalogh
    rsbalogh Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to join - I'm also a little late but would love to be part of the group.

    Initial starting weight: 238
    Challenge Starting Weight: 231.7
    Goal Weight: 211.7
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    SW (Nov 4) -231.7
  • acanell1991
    acanell1991 Posts: 2 Member
    Joining! My goal is to lose 20 lbs for my wedding day on May 2019. Need the support and push!
  • magcowling
    magcowling Posts: 8 Member
    Have been struggling to loose the weight I gained on a wonderful holiday celebrating my golden wedding 4 weeks ago. I have just discovered this thread and would like to join you all, I hope it will encourage me to get back on track AND stay on it. My weight is 144 lbs. It would be great to loose 20 lbs by the end of Feb.
  • kdevlan
    kdevlan Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in!
    SW: 170
    GW: 140
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    October overview:

    SW 208 (at heaviest)
    CW:200 (averaged)

    Lost 8 lb in October!... mostly water weight, and it isn't much progress because I was 200 pre-summer lol.

    Feels great to be back in the swing of things though! Looking forward to cranking out several more pounds before dec. 1st!... if I can just get out of bed....