Rufev Member


  • My A1C was in the 12's and now in the 7's and dropping like a stone. My diet has become fat free, sugar free everything I can but I do not punish myself. It is amazing how much of a difference it makes if you prepare your own food and buy fresh. The amount of sugars, sodium, etc... in prepared food is huge. My target…
  • Another thing that I am happy about through all of this is that most people would experience their first heart attack and then get checked out. I have to say "hats off" to my primary care physician. She saw a small tick in an EKG that she did not like. Sent me to the Cardiologist where they did their battery of tests.…
  • It was the small things that tracking my food has pointed out. Like you have a salmon dinner thinking "this is great!" to realize later you put 200 calories worth of tartar on the fish and 100's of calories of dressing on the salad. You are walking around the office and you have a cookie here and some candy there without…