thanson563 Member


  • It makes sense to me. You've adjusted to a new way of eating. Rocking the boat can have various effects. I've noticed if I eat too much junk food now, I literally feel sick.
  • Ok, someone start a group....I would, but will give the OP (or someone else) time to do so. We had a group the first time I did it, and it really made a difference to me, having people to talk to and keep me accountable. As for knees and joint pain and so forth....the first time I did it, I had some knee and ankle issues…
  • I did it back in April (not every single day, but I did make it through all 3 levels). Was thinking about starting it again. Have y'all started a group yet? If so, I'm in.
  • Yay! And good idea on finding a flatter area. I did the first day of Week 2 and had the bright idea of doing my cool down by walking up the steepest hill there is around here. It gave me shin splints, and I could hardly move the next kept me from doing any kind of work out for three days! I did Week 2 Day 2…
  • Add me. Just turned 51 a couple of weeks ago. I was always one of those skinny girls you love to hate. Age caught up with me. I've decided to get serious for the first time in my life. I could use a friend who knows what I'm going through!
  • Feel free to add me as well. :)
  • I'm not supposed to be in the beginning phase, but pretty much am. Maybe we can support each other. I am alternating with C25K, in the hopes that I don't have to go through that every day will make a difference. LOL Anyway, feel free to friend me.
  • I'm so far behind. I've missed a ton of time. I think I've only made it through Level One 4 or 5 times. The idea of Level Two terrifies me. I have started alternating with C25K. I'm hoping that will help.
  • Bump for later.
  • I'm alternating it with Ripped In 30.
  • All of it. And yes, I just got home from grocery shopping.
  • Don't feel alone. I'm 51 and have never run (even in high school I tried to get out of it!). I also have the app on my phone, and quite honestly have no real idea what I'm doing....but I'm determined to do it. We can motivate each other!
  • Wow, really impressive! I was considering going back to 30DS, but you've inspired me to keep trying Ripped.
  • I'm so far behind (May has just been crazy so far) I've decided to just restart. There's no point in trying to move onto Week 2 when I can barely get through Week 1. Maybe those of us that had to restart can motivate each other...feel free to send me a friend request!
    in Week 1 Comment by thanson563 May 2014
  • I'm in. I'm on here daily, and can use all the help and motivation I can get. Everyone feel free to add me. :)
  • I sent you a FR. :) I'd be happy to have more (older!) friends here.
  • Day 2 of Level one today. I don't know if it's just me, but I'm finding it a lot harder than the 30DS. I know I'm getting a work out, that's for sure. Covered in sweat when I finished!
  • LOL....I weigh more and am using lighter weights. :) I'm such a weakling. Or old. Or something. I guess for now I'll use the circuit training method. One of these days I'll get a heart rate monitor. I was pushing for one from my kids for my b-day coming up, but they looked at me like I was crazy. Thanks for the info, tho.…
  • Thank you for the giggle! :)
  • Thank you for making the spreadsheet! That was my favorite part of the 30DS group, I found it kept me really accountable. I had a tough start to this one, missed the first three days (life got in the way), but I started I go!
  • I'm starting tomorrow. I took too many rest days with 30DS, but am hoping with having a "sanctioned" (by Jillian, lol) rest day, I will have better luck this time. I didn't take before pics with 30DS, which I really regret. So this time I'm going to....even if only for myself.
  • I took rest days, but I'm jumping to Ripped in 30. That one actually calls for 1 or 2 rest days, so I'm hoping to do better. I'm mad that I didn't do before pics, I think this time I will.
  • just brought me back to when I was 12! Love it!
  • 30DS is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I did that for the month of April. I'm not terribly fit, so it was quite the workout for me. For May, I'm doing Ripped In 30.
  • CW: 146 GW: 130 (for now) Body fat...not a clue. Too much!
  • I'm going to start one, really I am. I just haven't gotten around to it. I peeked at yours....great job, especially for a new blogger!
  • OMG, I am so sorry. We had Norovirus go through our entire family last year, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I can't even imagine trying to do the shred after that. I hope you and your family are feeling better soon. I'm taking today off. I'm just so exhausted, and work was so....Monday, today! I go in late…
  • I managed yesterday, and hope to today after work. Level Three really kicks my butt. I just want to fall down when it's over!
  • Feel free to add me, I've been around MFP for a couple of weeks and am loving it. I've made some friends, but certainly can use some more!
  • Done for today, although I really had to push myself. My daughter made tacos....they are SOOOO fattening! Even with working out, I think I'll need to take a walk or something.