Taymolly Member


  • I'm 5'6 - 5'7
  • I use measuring cups/spoons.
  • I don't own a food scale. But this past month I've been trying to eat closer to 1600 calories daily, however, when I used to eat 2500 calories (and didn't really pay attention to what I was eating), at least three times per week, I still managed to lose at least a pound/week. I was also working out less then.
  • Yes, I am doing 1000 body weight squats once a week. So I need to start adding in weights? I usually doing around the 50-60s range when lifting dumbells, so would I do the same when squatting? And how many reps would I do for once a week? Also when can I expect results?
  • First off, thank you for everyone's posts it means a lot. :) Second, I've seen a lot of people complain about the fact I haven't opened my diary and I'm sorry about that. But it's because I use an app called Lose it! to log my calories intake. So I'm sorry about that, but I can tell you I log every day. Third, I'm kinda…
  • Ok, I'm really confused now. So I shouldn't eat my calories back that I burned while exercising? Or is it because I eat out, and eat popcorn at the movie theatre? Because I do cheat sometimes by doing that, but I work the amount of calories into my diet. Also, I posted a topic about why I wasn't losing weight around two…
  • Ok. I'm just going by what the machine at the gym tells me by how many calories I'm burning. I'll try to reduce my calories and see if that works, thanks!
  • I am. I log everything that I eat, and always check the calories on the labels of the food.
  • Okay, I'll bring my calorie intake up and see if that helps. Thank you everyone for your responses!
  • I workout 5x/week and I'm 5'6-5'7. And no I dont eat my calories back, 1200 calories is good for me, i'm not hungry I just eat low calorie foods like fish and meat. Also on Fridays I usually eat 2000 calories. But after every exercise my musceles are always sore because I push myself, so when could I weigh myself?
  • The thing is, I wanna loose 10 lbs/month. So would it be good if I increased my calorie intake to 1600 calories a day and keep exercising the way I've been?
  • Ok, thanks I'll try that!
  • My goal is 135, and I really just want to drop 40 lbs by this summer because I'm going to collage. Also, I would take measurements but I lost what you use to take them during my move. Also, I still don't understand why I'm not losing any weight anymore :(