

  • Week 1: 145.8 Start of week 2: 143 Total fat loss: 2.5lbs *PLEASE LISTEN* I ate perfectly clean for four days this week and on Friday to sun I sort of binged however those four days of intermittent fasting help me out plus I was exercising regularly , please take home this message don't sweat the small stuff you don't need…
  • starting weight: 145.8lbs Bodyfat 10-12% Bicep: ''14'' Chest: ''37'' Waist: 30 Abs: 30 Hip: 33 Thigh: ''21.5'' Calf: ''15'' I will only being posting measurement every two weeks
  • sorry ill post my measurements soon.
  • I will post every Monday !! :smile:
  • . NAME: Mr. Esquire HEIGHT: 5 ft 4 CW (Current Weight): 147.8lbs UGW (Ultimate Goal Weight): 121 CBF% (Current Body Fat % if known): UBF% (Ultimate Body Fat % or desired BF%): 8% (Will start measuring once I get to 133lbs) All the best guys you can all add my myfitnesspal account genesquire. My approach: Intermittent…