

  • No success story yet, but I love swimming. Sadly I don't have one in my building, so I have to use the local city pool, which isn't TOO local. It's a great workout. I feel so winded when done.
  • Here in Toronto we have a bagel place called Kiva's who make the most wonderful bagels in the world. They're thick and heavy and can kill a man if dropped on him. Every inch of it is tasty, but the tastiest part is the outside crust. A lot of people are conscious of the fact that it's enough bread for a week, and so they…
  • For the rest of the week, I don't keep kosher, so it's just the two seders. WOO! Hi fellow Torontonian.
  • You're all so nice, hi guys!
  • I work in IT, I'm a photographer and music nerd. Currently watching a Jon Pertwee episode of Doctor Who.
    in Any geeks? Comment by a_frayn April 2014