teagensmommy Member


  • I dont mean for it to be a end all cure all for my weight loss, I know and understand the concept of eating right and working hard to obtain goals. I have read the articles on the drug and know the nasty side effects, just wondering if any of you have tried it and of your results, or lack there of. If the things they say…
  • So many reasons! Number one reason is that I was unmotivated! I spent my early 20s being rail thin, and never thought I would be considered obese. In fact I looked down on and made fun of people for being over weight. Perhaps my weight gain is karma. I got pregnant at 24. Had my son at 25. Gained 36 lbs with him. Lost it…
  • I am in the exact same situation!! My best friends bachelorette party is tomorrow and I have gone from the 120 lb "party girl" to this 200 lb mother. I was always thinner than the other girls who will be attending and now am the heaviest of us. Makes me feel really down about myself too!
  • New here too! Isn't a great feeling to know you have finally committed to change! Feel free to add me too! Together WE CAN DO THIS!
  • I am not sure how to change it on the topic bar. And maybe the word fat is harsh. But when I stepped on the scale last night I was heart broken. I know people see fat as a negative word but it is what I am. I can no longer sugar coat it and keep making excuses. I need to acknowledge the fact and move forward. Being…
  • Oh shoot! Meant 212! I get in suchba hurry when I type sometimes!
  • Ill be here for you! Sending you an add now! With help and support I KNOW we all can succeed!
  • I'm new today as well. Sending you an add. Lets get healthy!
  • I don't need to loose a full 100 but around 60- 75 would be ideal. I'm new to this site to so any adds would be appreciated. We ALL need ALL the help and support we can get!
  • Wanting to be healthy is my biggest goal. In my teens and early 20s I was thin, rail thin. I purposely gained weight. Now that seems crazy. Perhaps that where this all started. I finally knew how good food was. I got to a healthy 160. (I'm 5'8") hen I got pregnant had my son and slowly the weight has crept on. In two years…