Dano47 Member


  • I injured my hamstring on an hill doing a race. I treated it but, but returned to pushing it too soon, which lead to an MCL sprain that took me out for 8 months. Please be patient not to rush your recovery. Stationary biking is great. No strength training too early.
  • yeah i know what u mean. My first pair of compression "CALF" sleeves i was a little disappointed with how short they were, but i got them for my calves so i settled. My second pair i shopped for some that were longer. I needed the "LEG" compression sleeves, longer and covers from ankle to knee. If u look on sites,ie.,…
  • I saw zensah at a running expo gotta get a pair
  • I don't know but I ran 6miles @6:00 this morning after going to bed @1am. Felt gd and i had my calf compression sleeves on. I was forefoot striking like never before, the way I held gd form and transitioned through the run was great. Even felt enough to throw in a few pickups. It had to b the compression sleeves that…
  • Did u post yr finish time
  • first let me congratulate you getting to the point in your life that you feel there's a desire to change. we all know that gd eating habits and fitness is the key to wellness and longevity unfortunately there are very few of us that actually take on and stick with a fitness regiment. We are the minority and others look at…
  • Ok this is a great way to make an older runner feel slow. I'm a 40ish new runner who has been trying to be serious about running for about a year now. I've run in several 5 and 10k races, followed, I don't now how many variations of training programs, and to date, can only run 11min miles on training runs and 10-1/2 mins…