oliversnh Member


  • Thanks everyone....thinking I should make an appointment and see my doctor. I do feel better eating healthier and exercising, but I really can't fit into any of my clothes, so I get so discouraged.
  • Count me in.....same boat......I am at my heaviest weighing in at 145, but I should be 135 or even less. This past fall I did the 1200 calorie diet and a walk every day and I got to 128 BUT then I decided the splurge for Christmas and it continued through Valentines and Easter and now here I am back at 145. I am back on a…
  • Yes...my plan is to rest for this week and I will massage and ice every day. If I am not feeling much better by next week I will make an appointment to see my dr. Thanks everyone :)
  • I got my food scale out this morning, but I still think that cutting out all of the sugar I was eating and adding exercise should have resulted in some sort of loss. I was eating 500 plus calories of junk food per day and doing no physical activities at all. Now I am active every day and counting calories and nothing. Its…
  • It's my calves and my shins....they are on fire and feel really tight (almost like I have a rubber band around them). It's nothing that I have ever experienced. It's gets so bad when I do the walk, but I keep going. I am going to purchase calf sleeves and continue icing. I hate going to the dr.....she will just tell me to…
  • I end up on the treadmill a lot and at first I was attempting the Elliptical....but that nearly killed me so no more of that and also the stepper.....I know I killed my legs, but I slowed down (besides my lunch walk) and am lifting more and doing more yoga and pilates....trying to rest my legs as much as I can.
  • I don't eat a lot of meat, but I have been having protein shakes. I am trying to lose weight so I am not eating a lot of calories. I have been taking weekends off mostly....only doing light exercises and I have a day off when it rains and I can't take my lunch walk, but a lot of times I walk and work out in the same day. I…
  • I just started logging food again, but I have counted calories so much in the past the I know i am accurate. I eat the same few items every day. I am a huge junk food eater so just stopping that for 6 weeks should have resulted in weight loss...I mean I was eating 300-400 calories per day in funny bones and Easter eggs!
  • I' d like to try!
  • Me too, but it's so hard. I want to be healthier and I want to look and feel good, but I just can't seem to motivate myself to exercise and I have a really hard time saying no to sugar. We can do this though right.......just gonna need a ton of support!!!!