

  • I suggest getting a monthly calendar to have the satisfaction of putting big red 'X's on the days as you count down. That being said, it takes 21 days to change a habit. So just stick with it. Your body and brain are at odds with the new changes and that will change. I'm not saying you're not going to hit periods that seem…
  • Thomas's Multigrain English Muffin Light (1/3 dv fiber) Liquid Eggs - one serving (1/4c I believe) (I use wal-mart brand) Great Value Turkey Sausage Patty (Wal-Mart brand) American Cheese - 1 slice (or another cheese of your choice) One microwaveable bowl whose bottom is the same diameter (approx) as an english muffin…
  • Hi, I'm Kelly. Just joining. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the group title! I'm a 42 D, 5'6, and just over 200. I've got a lot to loose. I've been having trouble also finding a sports bra. I was a 36B before the kids, so I really don't know where to even start. And whoever said they come off the girls first lied.…
  • I am a fish. You could never get me out of the water and still can't. In high school I was on the swim team and loved it. I can tell you that when you swim laps you can in fact work up a sweat and raise your core temp in the water. In HS we used to take cool showers to cool ourselves down afterwards and I eventually had to…
  • I should note that I have just figured this out in the last few months. It was what was sabotaging me in my weightloss. Now that I've got a system down and under control, my food log is under calories every night and I am starting to loose. My trainer tells me that eating so often helps your metabolism work at it's best…
  • I am a HUGE binge eater. I like my snacks. We have kids but you wouldn't know it to look in our pantry. We do not keep chips and the like in our house - primarily because of me. But I have kept myself in check by doing a few things: 1. I buy snacks for me - smart snacks. WW string cheese sticks, Jello fat/sugar free snack…
  • Yeah, I'm a woman and I've just had some issues with losing. There are days when I'm completely ravenous, and days like today where I've eaten like I normally have all my life - WELL below caloric intake. I do limit my junk. Despite all my weight gain it would appear that I have maintained a LOT of my muscle mass (surprise…
  • An epsom salt bath works for me. But if it's specifically my calfs and stretching doesn't alleviate it then I know I need to get more potassium (bananas). I try to eat one the mornings before I swim to avoid leg and toe cramps and the subsequent calf aches afterward.