auntiesocial78 Member


  • I really wish I could convince everyone to read Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes, but I fear it'd be over most people's heads here. :)
  • Pretty sure it was the low carb, as I was no stranger to diets before that. Also, pretty much ANY diet that restricts your refined sugars is, by definition, low carb.... and that's pretty much every diet. Also, my periods came back (they were once every 3 months at best before). Sorry, but low carb IS the way to go for…
  • Actually, I'm pretty sure it was the low carb. But thanks for playing. :)
  • YES. Please don't buy the junky Atkins "products!" Also, for me, I did low carb for five years. I went from being pre-diabetic to NOT, and I went from having high triglycerides to NOT. Most people who are against "low carb" are people who have read and still buy into old and disproven nutritional information. :)
  • Way to go!!! I'm also 5'1" and aiming for the 120s-130s. Very inspirational. :)
  • Eh, false. You don't HAVE to buy the products to do Atkins. Seriously. It's not written anywhere in the books that you have to buy them. It's better if you don't, actually.
  • Agreed. Pot may not have any carbs or calories, but it has caused me to make more than one poor food decision. :)
  • Oh, and also, if you "do Atkins," stay away from the junky processed Atkins products. They may be low in carbs, but they are NOT healthy, and tend to stall my weight loss. :)
  • I started on Atkins in June of 2006, lost 50 pounds, and pretty much stayed on some form of low carb til 2011, when my life fell apart and I drank ALL the beer and ate ALL the Taco Bell. So I've gained some (but not all of it) weight back --- beer and Taco Bell will do that to you. :) Anyway, it's NOT for everyone, but it…
  • I was very successful on Atkins several years ago, but was finally able to break a long time plateau with lchf. I also have PCOS, so it makes sense that I'd respond well to it. Life happened, gained some weight back, here to get back on track, but this time I'm starting out lchf instead of redoing Atkins. Anywho, the…
  • Waves. I've been lchf off and on since 2006. After some traumatic experiences, trying to get back on permanently. :) Not interested in debating the merits of this WOE!! Add me? Auntiesocial78