

  • a lot of people think that simply eating less is the solution to their weight problems and partly this is correct. you need to make sure your body has enough calories to perform the tasks you set it, if you do nothing all day, desk job, drive home no exercise etc then you should have appropriate calories for that and…
  • weightloss comes purely from the calorie banalce at the end of the day, if you do no exercise you can still achieve a deficit by beig careful with your nutrition. if yu exerise you can get bigger deficits and lose weight much faster
  • Physiologically it is impossible to spot reduce, i'm sorry but it's true, best advice would say that you should up the cardio and become more strictwith your nutrition and it will get rid of it
  • if you are planning to eat for a general purpose (life, work, homelife etc) then you can eat just about any long chain/complex carbs, fruits and vegetables are great, rice and pasta, pretty mch any breads you like, that sort of thing, however, if ou are going to be eating beore a workout you will find that most of those…
  • AS far as a weight loss POV goes it doesn't matter whatsoever. weight loss is siply the total amopunt of calories consumed vs the amount of calories expended. if your daily limit says you should have 1800 and at 10pm you have only had 1600 then eating is fine. the myth that you shouldn't eat after a certain time of day…