

  • I used to lift 3x a week, for 30-45 minutes each workout. I have a few powerlifting records, and I did Strongwoman training for conditioning after I gave up the powerlifting. I would do a major lift to start, then 4-5 supplemental, in intervals or standalone. Typically, it went Mondays (Arms/Shoulders), Tuesdays (Legs),…
  • Was it a latex condom? Because you may just be starting a latex sensitivity/allergy (latex allergies are exposure based and can happen at any time) I have a severe latex allergy and can only use non-latex everything (condoms being one of them). There are a LOT of non-latex choices out there, made from polyurethane. Bit…
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism this past year, and I was put on low-dosage Eltroxcin by my doctor. I'm assuming you're on medication to treat it? If not, it might be a good idea to do so. A normally functioning thyroid is important for more things than just weight loss. Just a note, you can lose weight with…