mywindingroad Member


  • I personally don't think it maters if you have a wheat allergy, gluten insensitivity or have celiac disease or just want to be gluten free. Those that what to compare symptoms or judge because they have x and you only have y should just be ignored. If only we all listened to our bodies better none of us would be My Fitness…
  • My Kindle. I love to relax at night and read
  • I haven't seen the solar water filter but my concern would be how do I know if it gets enough sun on a cloudy day. Also, for rainy days you would have to have a back up system. An update: Since I asked this question I bought the Steripen. It works well. I use a bandana to filter the water first. If the water was cloudy I…
  • I use to HATE grocery shopping. I mean I HATED it. All I could see were the foods around me that I couldn't buy but I wanted. Then one day I was in the middle of a rant about how much I HATED it I had a profound realization. I HATED that I couldn't buy foods. I had the means to buy the food. I have the money, the health,…
  • Lynn 1982 makes a good point. Don't give up it could be more than one thing. Also, it really is worth it. I never knew I could feel so good (although I don't Lupis or RA). It can be HARD at times. When I am craving and just want to give up I just take it one decision at a time. I tell myself that I just have to make the…
  • My advice is to go 100% gluten free. All or nothing. Just cutting back doesn't work.
  • Thanks for the information/advice and for confirming my suspition that cross contamination is important to be mindful of. I am going to go with the steripen because it seems the easiest to use and I have preteen/teen boys that will be using it at times.
  • I/we have a soy intolerance as well and most flours say they are processed in a facility with soy so I can't use them. I grind my own rice flour and use 3 parts rice flour to 1 part corn starch and it usually turns out good. Bannan Muffins Dry ingredients 1.5 cups rice flour 0.5 cup corn starch 1 cup sugar 1 tsp baking…
  • It is surprising what getting the right combination of eating habits can do. So I wish you the best of luck. However, if I may suggest going 100% all in gluten free before you decide it doesn't help. I know nothing about Hashimoto's only that with my children a little can be even worse than just eating it all the time.…
  • So that's it! I never made the connection. I have reg periods now but thought it was pre-menopausal backwardness. (Yes, I know there is no such thing but it was the only thing I could think...I just hit 40) I use to go months and months without one.
  • I am training for a Mud Run on 5/31 so I am starting to walk/run too. (more walking than running right now) Sore doesn't even begin to cover it. Bengay and I are on intimate terms. (Yes, the stuff does work if you can handle the smell.)
  • I am right behind you. I am starting tonight 4/1....Why not start on April Fools Day?