

  • this may sound crazy but have you ever thought that maybe you might have an underactive thyroid? It might not hurt for you to ask your dr about having it tested the next time you have a physical.
  • Will we have an "official" weigh in day to see who can be the Biggest Winner by June 30? Loser has a bad connotation. We're winners not losers.
  • What about Sat morning for weigh in days?
  • I'm in!! I just joined tonight because I finally got out for a walk this year. It's been a long, cold winter here in MA, USA and I gained 25 lbs this winter. I ate to stay warm...that was my excuse. I want to love the 25 lbs by Memorial Day which is May 26 and is the official start of summer for us here on the East coast.…
  • hello all, you ladies are tall compared to me! I'm 4'11 and haven't met many that are shorter than me. I love to cook and eat everything and anything. I adore making new recipes and putting a spin on it. If I try a new dish then I have to go home to replicate it. Before I hit my 40's, I could eat everything and not gain.…
  • Hello, I just joined hoping to find others who would be willing to do Jillian's 30 day shred challenge. I've never joined a fitness online group before and thought it was time to branch out. All my friends think I'm crazy but it's been a long, cold winter in MA and I gained 25 lbs and feel so uncomfortable. I saw Jillian's…