Looking For Friends


I am looking for some other ladies in the same boat as me. I'm 5'2", currently 150lbs, my goal weight is 130lbs. I have a 15 month old son and a sit down job. I am losing weight by eating a mostly raw vegetable based diet and walking once a day. I had lap band surgery about 11 years ago, I originally lost 87lbs, got down to 127lbs, then gained back 30lbs when I started working at a hotel that gave out all the free food in the world- then I had my baby and life changed... but its now time to get back on the boat. Send me a request :)


  • LAPDpoliceNYPD
    LAPDpoliceNYPD Posts: 77 Member
    good luck :embarassed:
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    Ditto on most of that, including being all of an awesome 5'2. Which is why I usually wear heels, keeps me a little taller! :bigsmile:

    Always happy to share the experience with new friends!
  • liveeverymoment2014
    Hi! I'm 45, about 80 lbs from goal weight, which is 140. I am 5' 7", went through surgical menopause (hyster and oophrectomy) 8 years ago, from which time I've put on about 10lbs per year! Ladies, this menopause happens to all of us at one time or another- so whether surgically or naturally- BE ON GUARD and prepared~ I am former USAF, used to work out every day, but due to not sleeping much, my energy level is down and I was eating to bring it up. I know all about nutrition and exercise, not saying that to brag, but to say I've been remiss in caring for myself, have no excuses! Two years ago, I went from an opticians job, running all day to now sitting 40 hours per week doing medical phone triage. I used to think those who sat all day have it made- now I know better! I do get up and walk in place, use stretch bands, and refuse to gnosh all day like my coworkers. I try to get to the gym before or after work, but as I said, sleep is an issue, so it's all I can do to get started working out again- BUT once I do, I'm an animal, a rather all or nothing kind of person, which has contributed to my weight gain. I live in northern Indiana, where winter is 9 months of the year and now that spring is almost here (we call that JUNE), I need to get, and stay serious. I'm only 3 days in using this app, but have found it very helpful. I am astonished at what I used to eat and not even realize it . Even healthy food become excess calories, that lead to weight gain! We eat healthy, but my portions were out of control! I'm here to network. My needs are few- common sense work outs and meal planning. My husband son are not overweight, so it's just me on this journey! My son is a full time college student and work and lives at home until he goes for his Masters in a year. He's my only child and I MUST get and STAY healthy, because one day I need to be a peppy, energetic grandma! :-) I love music, travel, photography, the great outdoors, and my favorite place is the ocean!
  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member

    I am looking for some other ladies in the same boat as me. I'm 5'2", currently 150lbs, my goal weight is 130lbs. I have a 15 month old son and a sit down job. I am losing weight by eating a mostly raw vegetable based diet and walking once a day. I had lap band surgery about 11 years ago, I originally lost 87lbs, got down to 127lbs, then gained back 30lbs when I started working at a hotel that gave out all the free food in the world- then I had my baby and life changed... but its now time to get back on the boat. Send me a request :)


    It happens to everyone and its just part of life, but the great thing is that you have decided to get back on the boat and do what you need to do. We all fall of the wagon, but the important part is to get back on it....
  • kdthediva
    :smile: i all my name is KD....

    Last week was the hardest week I had have in a while. I have cerebral palsy, am wife, and a mother to an amazing 7 year old son. When I was growing up, I never thought I would have weight issues. when I got married i was 105 pds (I am only 5'1_. Kayden was born 5 years later at 32 weeks with c.o.a. At 17 days old he had heart surgery. as he grew into healthy and wonderful baby, in 4-07 I started W.W. i did amazing and reach my goal in late summer. and then some. At my lowest i was was 108. i kept it off for over a year. i felt great. then i started the up and down tango! until i give up! Recently I just kept going up-up-up. I now am the largest i have ever been. 184.1, I need to own that big number.

    Back to last week. my body defined me, it hurt to do day to day things. I had many accidents, my knees cracked and I got struck in the bathtub. I was on a roll coaster leading to more pain! the final blow came Friday at K's school carnival, when i walked about about half. my body literally would not let me walk anymore. there were games to play and prizes to be won. I felt I had FAILED my boy wonder.. as I sat at K's school on a bench, surrounded by laughter and small feet running, i knew i had lost my joy, myself! i said "I AM DONE" i was not going to sit on the sidelines while K and my family lived our fun active life. With that tiny step I knew I could to start "playing" again too.

    So my journey begins again, I had my last "bad" meal and Dr. Pepper. Saturday, right off the bat before soccer we went to CFA, i wanted those delicious chicken minis, but I had frut and yogurt! and it was good! I walked around our block, in plain, huffing and puffing and cursing anyone and every step. but I did it! W.W. taught we a lot. First make little goals each day. So here are my little goals for the near furture.

    1-5 pds eat something healthy each day, move, drink more water

    5-10 pds loss before Sarah's shower

    20 pds new hair cut
    here i go.............
  • susie0368
    hello all, you ladies are tall compared to me! I'm 4'11 and haven't met many that are shorter than me. I love to cook and eat everything and anything. I adore making new recipes and putting a spin on it. If I try a new dish then I have to go home to replicate it. Before I hit my 40's, I could eat everything and not gain. Once I hit my 40's, it's been a struggle. It's not like I suddenly didn't want to eat the same amount but I swear the weight would go on overnight. So here I am looking for some friends who are also looking to lose some weight and feel better about ourselves. I am also trying Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred on Monday, 4/7. Anyone interested? I figured it's 30 days, what do I have to lose but weight!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Love making new friends! We could all use the support and motivation. Anyone feel free to add me the more the merrier :)