

  • SW:173.6 CW:169.4 GW: 164.0 Goals Stick to healthy life style, Eat less bread, Drink more water and less coffee! Workout more. Weigh dates: 4/01: 173.6 4/08: 170.6 4/15: 169.4 4/22: 4/29: 4/30: Final Weight Total weight lost: 4.2
  • SW:173.6 CW:170.6 GW: For this month 164 Goals for this month: 1. Stay on track!!!!! 2. Eat less bread. 3. Exercise more. 4. Drink more water and less coffee. Weigh in dates: 4/01: 173.6 4/08: 170.6 4/15: 4/22: 4/29: End of month (4/30): Total weight loss 3 :-)
  • SW:173.6
  • Hello everyone! :-) My name is Brandi and I am a new mom to my beautiful daughter Kira Noel-Karen who was born 10/25/13. She was born at 36 weeks 2 days and has been a great blessing to my life..... I lost all my baby weight and then some in the first three weeks she was home and then I went on birth control and ended up…
  • Hi, I am also a first time mom to Kira Noel who is 5 months old. :-) I love the joys my daughter brings me and now I would really love to take the weight off! I am in the same boat as you I lost 40 pounds pre-pregnancy and was starting to feel amazing! Then I gained thirty pounds and went into preterm labor! I had my…
  • I would love to do this challenge! :) I'm new to this site and I am a new first time mommy of a beautiful five month old. However I am still nine pounds heavier than when I got pregnant and I would really like to get those off! SW: 173.6 cw: 173.6 gw: 164.6 Goals this month! 1: Start getting more cardio in. 2: Taking more…