

  • We really are different in many ways. Does a 50 year old man have the same amount of energy as as 20 year old. Or can a lady with with health problems and is only alowed to eat certain foods to keep it from getting worse keep up with a healthy teenagere with a higher metabolisim. No. Each person is different and we all…
  • Well I bought a treadmill thinking that walking would help but its heard on my lungs and I think swimming might have that same effect. But I never thought about yoga and I like the thi chi Idea. I will have to try and fing a place close by that does them. Thanks for the input.
  • I have not ever heard of it helping anyone gain weight. However to much can really lead to alot of bad problems with your heart. if you are thinking of increasing your sodium intake I highlyu suggest having your heart checked before increasing it and have it cheacked regularly. I had a friend that had 2 hart attacks…