Shane00000 Member


  • We've made ramen with them and chicken marsala. I did not notice any off smell about them, I guess it's subjective. I did follow the girlfriends instructions, rinse a few times, and them pan fry in a dry pan to remove the excess water. She bought them on Amazon. They tend to absorb whatever flavor you're cooking with. And…
  • I could use some MFP friends for motivation and support. I'm trying Keto with the girlfriend and so far I'm down about 17 lbs.
  • My girlfriend introduced me to this dier, she's tried it before and this time I'm doing it with her. I've got about 10 days into it, and I meal prep. Please feel free to add me, I could use an expanded network of keto friends to share recipes and help each other stay motivated.
  • Hi I'm shane. I work as an emt in washington d.c. looking for some motivational friends on my weight loss journey, so please feel free to add me. Much love and PMA
  • Alexandria VA, a Washington D.C. suburb.
  • @deeander one day down, keep it going. I'm in the same boat as you. I lost 90 lbs in 2014, and gained back 50 of them. I'm fortunate enough to have a supportive family and a partner who is actively participating in weight loss as well. Good luck to you, you can do this!
  • I would begin by dieting alone. You will loose weight as long as your calories are in a deficit. Set achievable goals. Don't take on too many lifestyle changes at once. Remember that you must learn to crawl before you can run. Hope this helps, add me if you'd like. I was 315 lbs when I began my journey in 2014, so I can…
  • I was able to loose over 90 lbs using MFP. I hit a plateau about 8 months ago, and through changes in my life i gained 30 lbs back. Im back to using MFP, but ive noticed alot of my old friends havent logged in months. I am looking for accountability buddies and good souls to help me stay motivated. Im a volunteer…
  • hi Tammy. I was able to loose 90 lbs using MFP, i hit a plateau about 8 months ago, fell off the program and started EMT school. Three nights a week of eating on the road and after class ice cream with my friends, and ive gained over 30 pounds back. Ive decided to get back on and start cutting weight again. Ive been a…
  • So glad to see all the support and love in here. I hope everyone has a great friday. And don't forget to be your BEST today. Make smart choices. -Shane
  • I'm in. I started at 315. Got down to 220, hit a plateau and haven't been able to get back on since September. I'm up to 244. But I desperately need to get under 200. 180 is my ultimate goal. Please feel free to add me. I need accountability buddies. Lol -Shane
  • Everything I've read said you don't want to loose more than 2lbs per week. It's not the end of the world if you loose More than 2 lbs per week but it's not something you want to consistently want to do. Excessive weight loss over a long period of time can have severe negative consequences. Adjust your goal to allow for 2…
  • Your macros should be around 40-50% protein, 30-40% fat, and 10-20% carbs. This is just a guideline as everyone's body type and the way they metabolize food is different. Never go lower than 15-20% fat as fat is utilized in processing certain important vitamins. These guidelines are for cutting weight, once you've reached…