twhite1994 Member


  • ✅MFP USERNAME: twhite1994 YOUR NAME: Tracy CHALLENGE GOAL (NOT your goal weight but pounds to lose in 12 weeks of BLC52):12 pounds FORMER MEMBER OR NEWBIE?: Former How did you hear about this team? My former captain sent me an email for BLC52 TEAM REQUESTS for BLC52: 1. Hot Mocha Maniacs 2. FBT 3. Minion Cadet Squad
  • I feel your pain and can relate as well. My mom & dad have always been supportive of me no matter what. I used to get eased as a kid for being so fat but my parents never made a negative comment and always encouraged me to be active and they set a good example. When I got married is when I discovered how mean family can…
  • Yes, I have done the 30 Day Shred many times. It's one of my go to videos. I like it because it's short (30 mins) and is a good overall workout. The first time I tried it, I lost several inches but not much weight - dropped 2 dress sizes (which was great!). The biggest factor is diet. No matter what kind of exercise you…